Independent Media Centre Ireland

Suicide Prevention and Awareness Gig

category wicklow | miscellaneous | press release author Monday February 13, 2012 20:23author by Nora Hegarty - Wicklow Against Suicideauthor email wicklowagainsuicide at live dot ie

Wicklow Against Suicide is fully supporting, endorsing and helping in the organisation of a gig to raise funds for suicide prevention which is being put together by local man Shane Rowan on March 2nd in the Royal Hotel Bray. "The gig is in direct response to Wicklow's rising suicide rate which is now out of all known control."
Gig Poster
Gig Poster

Speaking this week in a personal capacity founder of the organisation Wayne Flanagan Tobin said:

"The gig co-incides with our fourth year in existance and all members past and present were emailed and have expressed their full support for the gig. It is hoped this gig will re-ignite and unite the fight against suicide in the county and beyond. We would like to thank all those who have helped in the background over the past few years".

Paul Leahy, also a founding member expressed his support:

"I have been involved in community activites for most of my life which has been formally acknowledged at county level. As the suicide rate continues to rise according to the latest statistics, I strongly welcome this gig to raise funds for suicide prevention measures and awareness".

Organiser of the gig Mr. Shane Rowan said:

"I very much welcome local suicide groups coming behind this initiative and am only too aware of the damage suicide can cause and the consequences of its aftermath. I am delighted to have the support of Wicklow Agaist Suicide, which includes the victims of suicide and those left behind. I will be organising another gig in Wicklow Town in the near future"

It is hoped Chairman of the group John Curran will address the gig on the night.


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Chiarman of W.A.S John Curran
Chiarman of W.A.S John Curran

Wayne Flanagan Tobin activist and campaigner
Wayne Flanagan Tobin activist and campaigner

Comments (10 of 10)

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author by Patsypublication date Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:17author address author phone

Badly needed out here.

author by Deco - W.A.Spublication date Thu Feb 16, 2012 22:53author address author phone

Caption: Video Id: Type: Youtube Video

author by Nora Hegarty - Wicklow Against Suicidepublication date Thu Mar 01, 2012 17:08author address author phone

Wicklow Against Suicide regrets that it will be unable to take
any funding from the suicide prevention gig due to its
constitution drawn up in 2010 which states " funding cannot
be accepted as we are solely a lobby group. "

Speaking today in a personal capacity co-founder Wayne Flanagan Tobin said:

" Unfortunately we are governed by a constitution and our sole function is to
campaign and lobby for others not ourselves. While we are fully endorsing and
supporting Shane Rowan's gig, it is not for financial purposes we were established
and we merely perform a lobby function. However we will all gladly pull together
to help Shane organise a comprehensive leaflet with a list of helpline numbers and
would only be delighted to distribute this door to door en masse with people power with the
money that he raises from his gig. Shane has done great work for the battle against
suicide prevention".

"The final decision on funding was made by chairman John Curran in conjunction with
Flanagan Tobin" said a statement from the organisation which was set up in 2007.

ENDS 01/03/12
Further information from Nora at

author by suicidegrantpublication date Mon Mar 05, 2012 09:20author address author phone

wayne and those like him campaign against suicide. fair play to him.

Meanwhile FG, the banks, the church, and Eirtricity and the like drive people to suicide in droves.
or the health service lets them die on waiting lists while waiting for medical help.

Such hypocrisy exists in our society. The fact is life no longer matters to those in power (if it ever did)

Why not just be honest about it and give a suicide grant? so people can at least die with some dignity and no suffering?

It's clear the poor are not wanted and their life has no meaning in our society, only money. Its clear they would rather we just "went away" and any payments of any kind to them are resented.
The banks, even defunct ones like anglo Irish come way before human needs.

How many lives could 50 billion save? Thats the real meaning of "bailouts" (for banks). Think of them in terms of human lives.

But no, they're too stingy to even pay for a suicide grant. The troika wouldn't hear of it.
Let the poor all starve or die of cancer .. In the dark. with no water. and the sheriff coming next day to take their house...or the landlord to collect the overdue rent on the rathole he rents them. while thousands of properties lie idle. And the developers plot to have them demolished to "keep property values up" for the rich.

We even throw the mentally ill onto the streets so we can sell the property to give that to banks too.

Ireland has become a right wing neocon shithole like america. where the poor are expected to just die quietly and not inconvenience anybody. There are many more Like that girl in the cold flat that we will never hear about.

author by Antonpublication date Mon Mar 05, 2012 23:00author address author phone

Curran is old school and from the greater Dublin area apparently. They are right to steer clear of funding if awareness is what they want to do.

author by indyfanpublication date Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:48author address author phone

nobody "stopped the funding"
a group made a conscious decision to try to avoid problems of undue influence by not taking or becoming reliant on particular funding.
This way they can stay on message and say what they have to without being influenced by funding.
If they can work like that on that budget then I think thats great.

Thats quite similar to how this very site works as far as I know. only the bare amount needed to maintain it is taken in the form of small donations from the public. Corporate / state / political donations or any form of advertising are completely rejected. And it is run 100% by unpaid volunteers

Its a good way to keep an organisation honest if you can manage to do it.

author by Mr Been there, done that . - Member of the Human Race .publication date Thu Mar 08, 2012 13:03author address author phone

Kind Hearts & Caring Persons are necessary to propel Wicklow against Suicide , Money is of course secondary in all walks of Life , Greed is the Root of ALL EVIL & evil will thrive no matter what comes or goes , Understand the Person who walks aside you, for someday that person Could Be You .

author by Mr. Been there, done that . - The Human Racepublication date Sun Mar 11, 2012 05:20author address author phone

Wishing you all the very best of Luck ,.

author by St.Patrick - Snakes Outpublication date Fri Mar 16, 2012 16:23author address author phone

WAS have done a good job in keeping snakes out of their organisation and keeping it tight in Wicklow a corrupt county is advisable. Power to the people.

author by Non Parasite.publication date Fri Mar 23, 2012 14:22author address author phone

I doubt if the Parasite Irish Public Sector ever prevented even one suicide.

They are good at pretending to do so.

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