Independent Media Centre Ireland

Property Tax and Insolvency - A Human Story

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Friday March 22, 2013 18:07author by Gale Vogel - Birds Eye View

The suffering of the Irish people.

John and Louise are a Dublin couple who weep each evening in a cold house, their frustration ever growing. John is visibly angry but resigns to the fate that is meted by our leaders to comply with international dictate. We are being watched, pummelled and slowly destroyed. The busiest events are international job fairs. This is a synopsis of lives less than they should be.

John bought a car in 2007, he chose it with a engine capacity of 1.9 litres, diesel. This particular engine was chosen and specified due to the low Carbon emissions and the fact that it could be altered to run on bio-diesel. This currently costs €710 to tax each year. Were it a year newer with the very same engine it would cost €280 for each year. He chose to live in a house within reasonable commuting distance to his place of work in order to cycle. It was also close to his parents family home. Houses on his terrace have recently sold for about €200,000, the revenue place a value on his of €300,000 - €350,000 commanding a tax of €585 per year. John is terrified to change the revenues valuation for fear of being penalised later. He pays hundreds each year for refuse removal.

He recently drove his car into a pot hole, causing a puncture and splitting the alloy wheel rim. The costs were €115 for a new tyre as the split rim had deformed the tyre such that it was not repairable, the rim cost €135.

John is tired, too tired to argue or to seek redress for the road condition having damaged his car despite having photographed the offending hole. He was more concerned that it's condition and location close to the edge of the road could force a cyclist to swerve. Deaths on the roads may only increase with the poorly maintained roads we suffer. John confesses too that he suffered his emergency spare for three weeks as he had no money for repairs. The combination of poor road maintenance and poor vehicle maintenance, both the result of inadequate funds, is making our roads dangerous.

He's changed his grocery supplier, shops for the cheapest and possibly consumes more horse than many. His children have moved school, he could no longer afford the luxury of an education paid for. The idea of college for his eldest son who is doing his leaving cert this year is a dream too far. His son wanted to become a doctor and to ultimately make a contribution. This, it appears will not be. John's wife, Louise works too, their combined income is only enough to live on. Their house in negative equity commands a mortgage repayment beyond their meagre income. Their income has reduced over the past four years while their expenses have increased.

Both John and Louise are terrified that their water will be cut off when the water charge commences. There is no more money. Beans, processed sausages , the cheapest bread are becoming tiring. They've maintained their home entertainment, one TV, no package. 'It's amazing', John says how much heat comes from a plasma screen, 'you don't notice when the house is heated'. Their dog was sent to a 'farm in the country'. €8 a week for food, insurance, vets fees all proved too much.

This is not sustainable, this couple with three children are in all reality insolvent. But to venture to this extreme will only command more restrictions it appears. Will they need to seek approval to repair a leaking roof?

What facilities are included in other countries property or council taxes? Refuse collection, water! What do other countries do with their road tax revenue? Road repairs and improvements!

It appears that as long as the Irish people continue to not accept but resign to the onslaught of financial burden for the benefit of hidden bond holders and international banks, that this onslaught will continue. Is it constitutional? Is it morally correct?

When will we say, enough?

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