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The Bawnogue One begins his 2nd Occupation

category dublin | worker & community struggles and protests | news report author Friday April 12, 2013 00:52author by Clondalkin Correspondant Report this post to the editors

FAS and Employer dirty tricks fail to deter trade unionist fighting for his rights

The Bawnogue One has just begun Occupation number two. On this occasion the worker was accompanied by one of the directors of the company he is employed by. Both are determined that this brand new occupation will continue until victory but the support of all trade unionists and community people is needed if victory is to be assured.

Breaking news, Indymedia scoop, all the news RTE does not want you to know. Hot off the presses brought to you by the Clondalkin correspondant. The Bawnogue One has just begun his 2nd Occupation. Forced to conduct a tactical retreat for a couple of days and nights, The Bawnogue One has re commenced his occupation.

This seems to have achieved complete tactical suprise and enemy forces have withdrawn in disarray. The Trade Union member with the support of most of the community and all genuine trade unionists has launched his latest blow against the forces of evil empire, his employers and FAS or DSP the name they now use to disguise themselves these days as FAS have such a reputation for corruption.

His employers have locked this worker in all night and it remains to be seen whether they will launch a counter attack and storm the building or employ the Larry methods of thirst and hunger and try to break his spirit. Either approach is likely to fail and in any case this is one trade unionist who simply wont go away or if he does it wont be very long untill he advances once more in his battle to for justice.

On this occasion the worker was accompanied by one of the directors of the company he is employed by who was kept totally in the dark about what the company was cooking up behind the scenes with FAS to deprive this worker of his employment and even his redundancy and who was also kept totally in the dark and never told about the supposed bankrupt financial situation of the company. Both are determined that this brand new occupation will continue until victory but the support of all trade unionists and community people is needed if victory is to be assured.

Initial report is here: More Savage FAS Cuts In Bawnogue Clondalkin

author by Con Carrollpublication date Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

is this the Martin Walsh who refuses to work with other Socialist people. in campaigns against the neo liberal agenda who was with the Unemployed action groups who refused to intervene when people with disability's were been harassed and intimidate while been employed on C E schemes during the 1990s
is this the same Martin Walsh who was in Nicaragua. have we heard him condemn the obscene salary's of ce community project leaders who could earn over 500 euro per week. depending the number of people employed on their scheme. a simple message Walsh GO TO HELL

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Mon Apr 15, 2013 12:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi Con !

It is true to say that Martin wasn't 'always there' for the JI and CE workers in his area (to be diplomatic about it) but to not 'be there' for him now because of that would be equally as wrong.
Having said that , there is conflicting levels of support for him in the area.


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author by Former Scheme Workerpublication date Mon Apr 29, 2013 00:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I don't know who Con Carroll is but more importantly I do know Martin and Paul Johnstone and Eamon Dunne who defended hundreds of Scheme Workers in the 1990s. They actually set up the Scheme Workers Alliance to organise Scheme Workers to fight for their rights and won many reforms and improvements for Scheme Workers. I know this because I was on a Scheme in which the workers were being abused by the local management in cahoots with the corruption ridden FAS. These 3 guys stormed to the rescue and saved our jobs which were about to go.

Absolutely none of these "socialist people" which Con refers to helped us in any way. We didn't even get "hot air" from them. More surprisingly at that time the Trade Unions were not interested in recruiting Scheme Workers. However the 3 guys convinced Mick O Reilly that the Trade Union Movement had a duty to defend Scheme Workers and from then on the Trade Unions slowly but surely started to recruit these abused workers. When the Trade Unions took up the fight on behalf of Scheme Workers, the Scheme Workers Alliance was disbanded as it was no longer needed.

If my memory serves me right this was before the Job Initiative Schemes properly took off so the 3 guys would have little to do with JI just to answer another point of poorly informed disinformation above. Paul, Martin and Eamon are working in completely different jobs since this and have nothing much to do with Schemes in recent years but Scheme Workers and Trade Union members like myself definitely owe then a debt of gratitude for their services. Services by the way which in the early days were voluntary and they didn't receive a penny for. In the later years of the Scheme Workers Alliance they did receive a wage but it was much less than the amount Con quotes. Con obviously knows nothing about the progressive role of the Scheme Workers Alliance and he is obviously not a trade unionist or he would be supporting these former founders of the Scheme Workers Alliance, one of whom is currently on strike and occupation rather that engaging in half untruths, bitchiness and innuendo.

author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Mon Apr 29, 2013 20:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

.....which was responsible for, at the time, about 50 JI workers in the Clondalkin area.

Hi FSW !

"....If my memory serves me right this was before the Job Initiative Schemes properly took off so the 3 guys would have little to do with JI...."
That is not the case with one of those mentioned , as Martin was a DCTU rep on the Board of the then CPLN organisation which, at that time, had at least 50 JI workers 'on its books' at a particularly 'busy' period for all concerned - see the 'Related Link' , below , for details of that activity.


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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Wed May 01, 2013 23:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi !

The following statement was issued yesterday on behalf of Martin Walsh by his trade union representative -

Press Release from the UNITE Trade Union Newsdesk:

April 30th 2013

Bawnogue Unemployment Group dispute: Martin Walsh ceases occupation following Garda request, but vows to continue fight

UNITE deplores treatment of long-time community worker

UNITE member Martin Walsh, who is in dispute with his employer, the Bawnogue Unemployed Group, has agreed to cease his occupation of the Group’s premises following a request by the Gardai. Martin will, however, continue to fight what he and Unite consider to be unacceptable behaviour on the part of the Bawnogue Unemployed Group.

"Following a decision by the Department of Social Protection to withdraw funding from Bawnogue, they attempted to terminate Martin’s employment on 29 March on statutory redundancy terms. He has been employed by the Group as a Jobs Club Coordinator for the past ten years", said UNITE official Walter Cullen.

"Unite has argued that the position of Jobs Club Co-ordinator be transferred under TUPE to the South Dublin County Partnership or, failing that, that Martin be paid enhanced redundancy in line with established precedents where FAS has paid the enhanced redundancy to CE supervisors and Job Club coordinators.

"Martin Walsh has been occupying the Bawnogue premises in protest at the Group’s intransigence. Today, he agreed to vacate the premises at the request of the Gardai, and out of respect to the members of the local community who need to utilise the resources of the centre, many of whom have supported and continue to support Martin in his fight for justice. However, he and Unite will be pursuing this matter until an acceptable resolution of this dispute is reached", Mr Cullen concluded.

Alex Klemm
ROI Press Office
Unite the Union
15 Merrion Square
Dublin 2

I hope that Martin and his TU reps continue their campaign , after he recovers from his ordeal. More information can be obtained at the 'Related Link' , below.


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author by Sharon. - Individual.publication date Fri May 03, 2013 14:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hi !

The protest has moved from the room where Martin was holding his protest to the corridor just outside it - see the 'Related Link' , below.


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