Independent Media Centre Ireland
Wicklow - Event Notice
Thursday January 01 1970

Claiming our Future - The Art of Campaigning - Activist Summer Camp 2016

category wicklow | worker & community struggles and protests | event notice author Thursday March 31, 2016 22:25author by cof - Claiming Our Future

We are delighted to announce this year's Summer activist camp. We are building on last year's success - so plan to join us and save the date:

The Art of Campaigning - Activist Summer Camp 2016

Learn, share & do creative action for social, economic & environmental change.

Friday & Saturday, 1st/2nd of July 2016

A creative camp for activists, artists & everyone to:
• Work better towards social, economic and environmental change in Ireland,
• Take creative action: Turn discussion about justice issues into action and try it out,
• Build creative skills: Make campaign actions creative and learn how to use them for your causes and campaigns,
• Network & build a community of activists and artists: Get to know and discuss new ideas with like-minded people.

When & Where: Friday 1st July at 12 pm with lunch - Saturday 2nd July at 4.30 pm at Knockree Youth Hostel, Enniskerry, County Wicklow, with an overnight stay.

Registration will be opening in late April 2016.

Costs: 40 Euro waged, 20 Euro unwaged (incl. children), 1 Euro Asylum Seekers. This includes the accommodation for 1 night in a shared room and vegetarian food. Brilliant childcare available.

CALL FOR WORKSHOPS: Do you have a good idea for offering a creative activist workshop? Get in touch to discuss it!
Please send us ideas and offers until April 8th.

With any questions get in touch with Nina Sachau at or 087 3340698.

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