Independent Media Centre Ireland

WRECK THE « CLIMATE CHANCE » SUMMIT! At Nantes, France, from 26 to 28 September 2016

category international | environment | other press author Sunday July 17, 2016 20:04author by Some peoples


*Climate Actors World Summit
« For a green capitalism, for a sustainable exploitation »

At Nantes, France, from 26 to 28 September 2016

The city of Nantes, « green capital » at the forefront of the sustainable development, has been chosen to welcome the first « Climate Chance » summit. This climate non state actors world summit involves to translate the political decision that have been taken during COP21 in economic realities.Indeed, there will be during those three days the top of the crop of capitalist economic world (see below), but also NGO, associations, start-ups…

As well, this meeting of elites aim for prepare the Marrakech COP22 in November. We are attending to the first signs of the capitalism mutation to a greener model, more « eco-friendly », that’s speaking about green growth, renewable energy or transforming the climatic and environmental crisis to economic opportunities. Anyway, this neo-capitalism tends towards to make the actual disaster more lasting (dematerialized economy, hi-tech, security industries, renewable energies, nanotechs…)

In this way, they attempt to propose wrong profitable solutions to the problem they caused themselves…

Well, they are part of the problem, not of the solution !

The decisions took in this kind of summits have real consequences all around the world, threatening the survey of millions of persons. Those sharks won’t stop until they have exploit the last ressources, at the risk of menace the survey of humand kind!

In France, for example, they try to open new Rare Earth Metals mines everywhere in the country. Near Nantes, there is currently a thermal (wood/ natural gas) powerplant in construction and and also an eco-industrial project in the estuary of the Loire welcoming start-ups (including a building site for offshore wind powerplant), etc..

During this time, where oil companies come by, everything dies, and the desert grows. In the Andes, the ore extraction systematically pollute the water needed by thousands of natives to survive.

In Crete, EDF decided to cover the island with wind farms, expropriating inhabitants and farmers, destroying woods and mountains to satisfy its greed of « green energy ».

We (and most of climatologists agree with that) know that we are living the last moment that we dispose to reverse the situation before reaching a point of no return that would cause a climate change runaway with no possibilities of reatro-action.

If we want to live with dignity and reappropriate our life spaces, we need to cooperate with those threaten ecosystems.

The disaster is now everywhere and this is not the time to notice, it’s time to resist !

Most of those pillage are realized by french well-known companies. Those companies are partners of the « Climate Chance » summit in Nantes.

There will be: Engie’s CEO, Ulrich Schröder ( World Bank’s director ), Jean-Pierre Maugendre (Suez), Aurélie Jardin (Schneider Electrics), Dominique Héron (International Chamber of Commerce) or Julien Colas for « Entreprises pour l’environnement » (Enterprises for the Environnement) including mostly french companies but some others too, as Air France, ArcelorMittal,Bayer, BNP-Paribas, Crédit Agricole, EDF, Engie, Lafarge-Holcim, Renault, RTE, Sanofi, SNCF, Société Générale, Suez, Thalès, Veolia, and of course Vinci! (non-exhaustive list).

About Vinci, only few days after this summit of greenwashing, the ZAD of Notre Dame des Landes will be anew menaced by a military intervention of the state.

Everybody in Nantes from 26 to 28 September 2016 to show them that our determination and our insatiable desire to live exceed their destructive capacity!


Some humans

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