Speaking Out About the Murderous Racism of US War-Making
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anti-war / imperialism |
press release
Monday June 08, 2020 23:57
by ShannonWatch

Taoiseach Varadkar says he is against racism but supports US racist wars in Middle East via Shannon Airport
The following is a letter to Irish media outlets from our friend, anti-war activist Tarak Kauff. Tarak spent most of a year in Ireland as a result of his non-violent action to inspect a US military plane at Shannon Airport.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I appreciate Taoiseach Varadkar for speaking out on racism and on the abysmal lack of moral leadership in the U.S. According to the Irish Times, this is what he expressed: “We’ve also seen genuine revulsion at the heavy-handed response in some instances towards peaceful protesters and journalists. And we’ve witnessed the absence of moral leadership, or words of understanding, comfort or healing from whence they should have come.”
I would however, appreciate even more, would he speak out against the murderous racism of U.S. war-making that abuses and disrespects any concept of Irish neutrality by using Shannon airport as a refueling stop for planes carrying weapons and troopsheading to and from U.S. wars of aggression in the Middle East and Africa. Last year Ken Mayers (82) a former Major in the USMC and myself (78) a former U.S. Army paratrooper, were arrested and detained in Ireland for 8 1/2 months for making our way onto Shannon airfield as two military veterans to do something for world peace, something that the Irish government, in violation of their own laws, and in violation of the precious concept of Irish neutrality, have failed to do for 19 years – that is, to inspect U.S. planes for weapons and troops with those weapons.
Again, credit to the Taoiseach for speaking out on (Trump and other's) lack of moral leadership, but he needs to continue to have the moral courage to speak out against U.S. war-making in violation of Irish neutrality.
Tarak Kauff
Veterans for Peace