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Stop Siding With Evil

category national | rights, freedoms and repression | opinion/analysis author Thursday August 19, 2021 22:01author by Gary Jordanauthor email thecovid19illusion at protonmail dot comauthor address Dublin Report this post to the editors

As Ireland experiences a tsunami of sin, we must detach ourselves from the criminals and murderers who hold our nation hostage, regardless of what it costs to us personally and professionally.

On a day when Ireland awakened to the news of yet another tragic vaccine-induced death, we were also subjected to the revelation, uncovered by Barrister Tracey O’Mahoney, that one of the nation’s most well-known hospitals - Beaumont - was conspiring among management and staff to have all unvaccinated individuals removed from their list of organ transplant recipients.

Many were shocked by both pieces of news. They should not have been.

Official figures from the EU adverse reaction database for COVID-19 vaccines show that over 21,000 individuals dropped dead well before their time for the sin of trusting Big Pharma criminals and sociopathic media personalities.

23-year-old football player, Roy Butler from Waterford was just another victim of the dangerous imbeciles who are setting policy in our nations today. Wishing to travel to Dubai with his friends this November, his death was caused by the coercion and force that is being thrust upon the population by a Godless grouping of wilful murderers and vacuum-headed order-followers. Had the ability to travel unhindered without having to submit to toxic junk not being removed from our society he would still be alive today. Unfortunately, freedom of movement is now conditional on the whims of the bought-and-paid-for, compromised, Globalist leeches that run Ireland.

Incidentally, The Irish Mirror, a rag amongst rags, made no mention of the cause of Roy’s death in their coverage of the young man’s passing. This should also be of no great surprise. Only a couple of months ago, their columnist Jason O’Toole made it very clear that people like Roy should not be permitted to engage in any of life’s regular activities, such as travelling, without being injected first against a supposed virus that kills 0.23% of the people it infects. Perhaps Roy had read Jason’s article and was in agreement with him. Perhaps many of the other 21,000+ dead people did too.

Making his feelings very clear about the unvaccinated, comparing them to vermin, O’Toole suggested that there was no place in society for people who refused to be injected with an experimental, emergency-use, unapproved gene therapy that has killed at least ten times more people than the terrorists of 9/11 did. For this reason, we have to remind ourselves that spineless, wretched scumbags like this one are just as responsible for the deaths and disabilities, that now plague our countries, as the person who plunged the needle into the arm of the victim or the one who prepared the poisonous concoction to begin with.

O’Toole is the perfect surname for someone like Jason. A mindless moron, he does what he is told so that he can remain employed and continue being a debt slave to whatever bank he is owned by. The corporate sponsors of the Communist bog roll newspaper he writes for dictate what he can and cannot say. He represents the Left in Ireland of course; the same Left that for years has excoriated the pharmaceutical companies for their price gouging, unethical practices and greed; the same Left that has screamed ‘my body, my choice’ from the rooftops.

Today, this faction of stooges is not only praising the very same companies that they once criticised, but also demanding that you use their products, claiming you should be punished if you refuse. Is this rational? No. It is not. It is a mandate that this clown is forced to abide by. He has no choice in the matter and he does what he is told, even if it means enabling the filling of graves with young, healthy people due to premature vaccine-caused deaths.

Tools like O’Toole, masquerading as journalists, do what they are told. They do not allow themselves to have genuine opinions. We can only assume his love of Fascism and submission to authority comes from a place of perverse sado-masochism. We can only assume that the owner of a mentally tortured consciousness, such as the one he evidently possesses, can only find reprieve when the rest of society is likewise tortured.

Nevertheless, O’Toole’s pen is indeed mightier than the sword. His words have undoubtedly led people to make the decision to be administered with a bio-weapon that is proving to be far more deadly than any sword could ever be. What type of an unloved, tormented, soulless, morally bankrupted creature would you have to be to live your life like this? How could you sleep comfortably at night?

And then there are the psychopathic, mentally diseased of Beaumont Hospital who have decided to refuse organ transplants to some of the sickest people in our nation. What can we say about this centre of incompetence, corruption and malfeasance? Whether it be abandoning vulnerable 93-year-old patients on trolleys for hours on end, forsaking cystic fibrosis sufferers or forcing sick old-age pensioners to sleep overnight in metal chairs, this shithole has earned its reputation as a cesspit of iatrogenic illnesses, eugenic practices and disdain for the ill.

This could be observed very recently when we were privy to the Fascist system that is operated by them at the highest levels, as their Director of Nursing, Marie Murray, blatantly put a staff member in harm’s way, pushing her to be injected with what we now know is a killer vaccine. In a video that was viewed and downloaded widely before been removed from the internet by order of court, we witness this insane woman attempt to coerce and browbeat a junior employee into taking the jab, despite being fully aware that she has suffered from severe allergic reactions to drugs in the past. Murray insisted that by refusing to be vaccinated, the employee would put others at risk of disease. This is despite the knowledge that the vaccine does not prevent transmission of COVID-19. She is a liar and a bully.

Her actions can be described as attempted murder and it is all occurring under the watchful eye of Hospital CEO, Ian Carter, who very recently swore in front of a judge that any staff member at Beaumont who had refused to be vaccinated was not being subjected to any type of intimidation or pressure. These lying bastards then go on to target the journalists who expose their crimes and drag them in front of the corrupt, Big Pharma-serving, paedophile protection squad that is the Irish Justice System. Thankfully, by their very own actions, they are now outing themselves as brainsick, aspiring despots and delirious, homicidal schizos.

Considering, by the very admission of the manufacturers, that no current COVID-19 vaccine prevents the transmission of the supposed virus, we can safely say that Beaumont Hospital directors, by refusing to treat unvaccinated individuals, are engaging in anti-scientific practices that are meant to punish, on pain of death if necessary, those who reject the products of their Big Pharma partners. For this reason, they deserve to be categorised as a gaggle of corrupted, psychotic lunatics and to be equated with the mass murderers of the 1930s Third Reich hospitals, such as Josef Mengele and Sigmund Rascher. If there was ever any Hippocratic Oath taken by Beaumont’s doctors, it means as much to them as it did to Dr. Harold Shipman. For this is the level of wickedness and depravity we are dealing with today among the vaccine fundamentalists and Big Pharma fanatics of Beaumont Hospital.

We cannot allow these deranged brutes to be responsible for the health and well being of anybody in this nation. They are of a mentality that is incomprehensible to any normal human being. Their viciousness and degeneracy is overwhelming and cannot be fully understood unless you are part of the same sewers that they are. Their lack of empathy for their fellow human being is non-existent and their loyalties are only to those who line their pockets. The level of depravity can barely be understood unless you are one of them. These maniacs are a stain on the nation of Ireland. They are not only a disgrace to their flag and their country; nor just to their families and friends - they are a disgrace to the very concept of civility and the most basic idea of humanness.

With this knowledge, it should be very clear that there is no longer any sitting on the fence. In fact, the fence has been well and truly dismantled. As institutions and businesses take their place in history, their decision-makers are either siding with full-blown evil or with the resistance to unprecedented malice. If you remain with an establishment that harbours the magnitude of malevolence that one such as Beaumont Hospital or The Irish Mirror newspaper does, whether as an employee, a manager or a director, you have chosen your allegiance and will be forever blackened with the choice that you made. Whatever the number of bills you have to pay and regardless of the number of mouths you have to feed, you have no excuse for allying yourself with such repugnant, beastly, poisonous excrement. No amount of money compensates for your participation in a dark, sinister, repulsive cult of death.

In Ireland, we have had our fair share of demons. From the immoral child rapists of the religious institutions and the infanticidal monsters of the Mother and Baby Homes to the terrorist paramilitaries and MI5 agents that maimed and killed thousands, we have had an excess of unbridled evil among us.

However, we must now recognise that the promoters of segregation, the enforcers of medical experimentation, and the cold-blooded murderers of the medical mafia and Big Pharma cartels are the greatest enemies we have ever faced in this land. It is imperative that propagandists like Jason O’Toole and the executives of Beaumont Hospital are viewed in the same light as we would view the worst villains of our nation’s past. They are just as sinister, just as sick, and just as demented. It may be argued that they are the worst we have ever encountered.

Siding with them, is siding with pure evil.

Gary Jordan
The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies

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