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Border between Life and Death

category international | miscellaneous | opinion/analysis author Saturday June 21, 2003 08:36author by Reinarto Hadiprionoauthor email Reinarto at Hadipriono dot comauthor address Jl. Lemahwungkuk 37 Cirebon - Indonesiaauthor phone 62 231 206980 Report this post to the editors

If the presence of the life process is considered to be one of the exclusive characteristics of living creatures, what then are we to say about seeds? Does it ever occur to you that in those monocellulars “that have survived till today” the life process has virtually never come to a stop since the very beginning of their existence? Because of the obscurity of the line separating the living from the dead, is it not possible for us to claim that there is “life” in atoms?

Border between Life and Death

The two words, life and death, are normally used only for living beings, not for objects, as the latter are normally considered lifeless. In biology, we can say something is alive when it has vital signs of life. First, it should have a certain form, size and structure. Second, it has vital activities, such as taking in food (air and nutrients) and circulating it throughout the body. It should also be able to process the food, and excrete substances that the body does not need any more. There should be processes that control all vital activities, growing, regenerating, and adjusting to the surroundings. Death means that the vital processes or activities have stopped.

Let us observe the two conditions and their differences. Sometimes we find that a plant or dried branch does not show any of these vital signs of life. It is as if it is dry because it does not get enough nutrients from the soil. However, if we give it enough water and fertilizer, it will come to life again. Of course, this can happen only if conditions both internal and external to it enable it to continue living. Thus, the condition in the first instance is (from the layman’s view) called “dead”, while the latter condition is called “alive”.

Some of us have kept insisting that men are creatures having superior status in this universe. They simply do not want to equate themselves with inanimate objects. Consequently, they posit that the non-living are made up of inorganic matter, whereas the living are made up of organic matter. Such a classification is indeed reasonable in that the various combinations of similar basic materials can indeed result in the emergence of objects which, according to the human perception, are different from each other. The fact, however, is that no matter how much men try to draw a distinction between these objects, the whole content of the universe has always been made up of the same basic material, that is, sub-atomic particles, which in the old theory are called electrons, neutrons, protons, or leptons and quarks as they are named in the new theory.

By acknowledging that man and the rest of the contents of the universe are made up of the same basic material, human beings may have a clearer vision of the relationship between man, animals, plants, and inanimate objects.

1. Let’s consider some of the physical features that man and animals have in common, apart from the basic material that forms their bodies.

• The first common feature lies in their life processes themselves. Both man and animals obviously undergo similar life processes.
• The second common feature, a very conspicuous one, lies in their symmetrical body shapes. Symmetrical here means that when a man standing upright on a piece of horizontal board is cut through with an imaginary plane right from the middle of his head straight down until the plane meets the board at right angle, we will have two relatively congruent parts of him. The left part and the right part are relatively similar to each other. The same thing holds for almost all mobile creatures.
• The third common feature lies in the functions of their bodies and their cellular tissues such as their eyes, ears, noses, mouths, brains, lungs, hearts, intestines, etc.

With the addition of these three commonalities, it is now high time that man realizes how close the relation between human beings and animals is.

2. How close the relation between animals and plants is and how obscure the borderline that separates them is can also be seen in a bacterium, which, while it resembles an animal, can yet be classified as a plant. This is particularly true of those bacteria having chlorophyll, which consequently makes their classification even more confusing.

3. And as it turns out, the viruses that we have in this world of ours can be classified as animals too, because their bodies contain protein; on the other hand, however, they are manifestly crystals by appearance, very much alike inanimate objects. Thus, it is evident how close the relation is between animals and inanimate objects and how obscure the border that separates them is.

Upon digesting all these, it becomes clear then how obscure the borderline that separates living creatures from inanimate objects is. However, if the presence of the life process is considered to be one of the exclusive characteristics of living creatures, what then are we to say about seeds, objects commonly regarded as being inactive or dormant? Is it not evident enough they are all void of the life process? How about those monocellulars—creatures that still exist till today and which, since their very existence billions of years ago, have kept increasing their numbers by splitting themselves up and have since then never experienced death? Does it ever occur to you that in those monocellulars “that have survived till today” the life process has virtually never come to a stop since the very beginning of their existence? What they have been experiencing is only a process of evolution for billions of years. These are naturally creatures with the longest life span in the world. This is proof enough that there may be other variations of life which are much different from the one we experience. On the other hand, however, man—despite the fact that the human offspring originate from sperms and ova—has always been proclaimed dead once his life process stops.

What all this implies is that the obscurity of the dividing line between the living and the dead is attributable to three things: virus, seeds, and monocellulars.

It is only by man’s initiatives that the different combinations of matter acquire their respective names and meanings, and are later classified accordingly on the basis of man’s assumptions. Thus, we have such terms as animate objects and inanimate objects, all of which are but just man-made classification based on his interpretation of nature. Now that you are aware that all the contents of the universe are made up of the same basic material, that is sub-atomic particles, which combines to form atoms, in which there are energy and extremely fast continuous movements, what have you to say about all these? Because of the obscurity of the line separating the living from the dead, is it not possible for us to claim that there is “life” in atoms? Those who look down on these creations of God will, however, find it difficult to accept this.

Reinarto Hadipriono
Quoted from: www.deceptivememory.com and
Bio: http://www.the-absolute-enormous-unity.com/02-about_the_writer.htm
Mailing address: Lemahwungkuk 37, Cirebon - Indonesia. Fax 62 231 207569, Phone 62-231-206980

author by iosafpublication date Sat Jun 21, 2003 14:12author address freak central.-author phone Report this post to the editors

on this shit.
and prefer to keep it "offside" as a comment.
not as an article.

you are a freak= you are all freaks
by ipsiphi 2:04pm Sat Jun 21 '03

and i really don't like your global "BUY MY BOOK" "BELIEVE MY GOD" "I MET STEPHENS HAWKINS" shit.
it used be only every six months but now it comes like a case of the bad diahorrea every morning with a "groan".

So I shall use your title "on the border between life and death" to write something in english about Barcelona, and mabe justify the space you have taken from the very very wide band and tolerant people, but hey it costs money.
every advertisement you place here costs.
you wanker.

my article in Anglès entitled on the border of life and death.

with scant reference to certain submolecular phenomona which imitate "life" functions, the anaylsis of which has led to three of the five most recent Nobel Prizes for chemistry.

scant reference number one.
Elves version 1 is a US funded submolecular chemistry modeling tool which assists nanotechnologists make their own molecules in their own lab. The products created will be patented by the corporation that bought the equipment and you will never ever hear "oh Dr Fleming junior, he is sueing Boeing chemical weapons division for the copyright on his natty little self replication adhesion hyper valent bonding goo [hey man! we are going to put in the space shuttle].

great stuff.
to live you need basics.
water, food, house (shelter) and some decent xarla.

Life can be difficult under certain circumstances.

1. hanging on a rope 35 metres off the ground.
2. living without clean water in most of Africa/Asia
3. the top 5cm of the Martian geosphere if your organism measures more than 65 angstroms accross.
4. if you start a hugner strike whilst hanging on a rope.

Hunger strike?
what is that?
Well we irish republika patatas (patakas x gallecs) invented the hunger strike. The English gave us hunger "an gort mhor)[1844-1849] during which time we exported corn to them and starved ourselves over amillion died and possibly two million moved to Boston and started the imperialist USA (another irish invention). Anyway some "malcontentos" stayed on in Eire (ireland) and a generation later invented the "hunger strike".
The poor man lasted 79 days in a jail.
then he died.
He got into the Guinness book of records.
(another Irish invention)
did we learn?= ¿hemos aprendido?
did we fuck.
My personal politicisation began in the year of 1980.
I was ten years old. and ten men died at the orders of Margeret Thatcher on hunger strike in Long Kesh which is in northern ireland. (for information on northern ireland which the English invented goto ireland.indymedia.org there is an article "northern ireland is not NI".
How do you die on hunger strike?
but some effects kick in very quickly.
without water you die within 3-32 hours.
depending on climate.
wihout food you die 50-79 days (figures based on irish research).
without essential minerals and salts.
you lose your sense of balance within 3 days.
* please note if you are hanging from a rope you need your sense of balance.

do all hunger strikers suffer the same effects?
well no.
Many are subjected to "force feeding".
this varies from the introduction of a tube in to the oesophegus and the introduction of saline based carbohydrate and protein mix into the body. This "food" is patented and costs a lot.
Other options are the addition of sugar and salts to the water the hunger striker ingests.
This is termed "cheating", and if after you have died it is discovered that you ingested sugarsalt solution your record will be removedf from the Guinness Book of Records.
(this has happened several times).

What do hunger strikers protest about?

well THE HUNGER STRIKERS protested about political prisoner status, the ending of a prisoner camp, and the begining of political dialogue between the Irish and British peoples.
othert hunger strikers such as the man who in the spanish state acheived 50 days on hunger strike last week, protest about similar things.
One English man, and only one english man has ever gone on hunger strike longer than 30 days. 30 days is termed the "breaking point", after 30 days your internal organs are so damaged you amy not easily ingest food ever again.
He did so for animal rights.
The English invented animal rights.
They prefer dogs and cats to people.
That might be the secret of their imperial success.

Thank you for allowing me space to passionately desribe how fucked off, disgusted I am at the stupidity that fueled by slef agrandisment sometimes passes for autonomous action.
I doubt anyone in isolation for a week, 35 metres above the ground in record breaking temperatures is of "compis mentes" of right mind, to decide to go on hunger strike.

And we do not joke about Hunger Strikes.

Go home eat some food.
Martin needs money.


author by ipsipublication date Sat Jun 21, 2003 14:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

since that I am well-known for writing in English about Barcelona on Ireland IMC, I know the words will get back,

This weekend Summer Solstice
is "St Juan" in Spain and Catalonia and all the other bits you think about as being "spanish/ised".

The Fire Brigade are very very busy.
because all the tourists are setting alight to the beautiful forests.
The temperatures peak.
and all the kids are playing starwars with their firework rockets blasting the barrios of BCN,s setting fire to the clotheslines, widows and neighbours dogs.

If you want to start a hunger strike against the most impervious diplomats in the world, don't start it on a the eve of "THE" holiday weekend.

And if you do your hunger strike hanging an inaccesable 35 metres off the ground which means the fire brigade or other climbers are the only ones who can safely get you down, try to pick a more "socially adept" time to do it.

But don't ask me I am just passing through.

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