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Comments (39 of 39)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 391. Shannon Peace Camp and all who started her up and sailed in her in January 03 including Tim H., Conor C., Joe S, Tracey, Peter, Mary, Julie, Becky, Ed H. etc etc etc too many to mention all 2. Black Pope for being a one man comedy/tragedy womble style protest army and particularly noted by me anyway for his surreal and effective approach to interviewing Willie O'Dea on the run at the FF ard-fheis. Only man I know banned from approaching the Dail on any side. Willie at the Ard Fheis while literally scuttling in retreat down a sidestreet: 'Just Fuck off, Fuck Off Willya' 3. All the heads who went to Jail over shannon and the bin tax. 4. Michael McDowell and Brendan O'Connor for services rendered above and beyond the call of duty in promoting Indymedia Ireland.
I think that the "Left of the Year 2003" award should go to the bin tax prisoners. Joe Higgins and Clare Daly showed the country what public representatives should do: ie fight alongside local communities and be determined to go down the wire on an issue. All the other prisoners showed great determination and resolve and stuck to their principles. It certainly was not easy for them, being away from family, friends, comrades and the struggle itself. In all 22 went to prison including Shop Stewards, Trade Union members, and community activists. A special mention should go to John Murphy who had health problems in prison, and of course David Murphy the UCD student who made history being elected with a big vote to the UCD Academic Council while in the 'joy.
The Bin Tax Prisoners 3/2fav
Joe Higgins 3/1
Clare Daly 7/2
Richard Boyd Barrett 4/1
The Shannon Peace Camp 10/1
It looks like the bin tax prisoners will win it this year. Joe Higgins is at 3/1to retain his title after winning "Left of the Year" last year, however if pipped at the post by the Bin Tax Prisoners he will take consolation in sharing in the award. With Council elections around the corner Clare Daly will be happy with her 7/2 odds. Boyd Barret is a dark horse in this race, although hated by many on the anarcho-left, he could take it as he was very well known during the war on Iraq. And on the outside are The Shannon Peace Camp people, although they showed great determination the betting public are not putting their cash on them as they are not as well know as their main compeditors for the title of "Left of the Year 2003"
not because he deserves it most, (although he puts on good appearances, like turning up at the peacecamp only to be on the vincent browne radio show,) but because he would love another accolade between now and his election campaign.
Vote Boyd-Barret , Leftie of the year! Can u c de posters?
In reality, none of the others would be overly bothered with an award.
Did Caoimhe Butterly go to Iraq and Palestine for an award?
Did Mary Kelly risk her life in Bethleham and then Shannon for popularity?
Did the Pitstop Ploughshares or Eoin Dubsky simply crave the attention?
Was Michael Birmingham just bored?
Did the Good Friday Ploughshares have an irresistible urge to go gardening?
hardly likely.
They didn't what they did because they felt the burning anger at injustice.
And they had company...
peace-campers, planespotters, the people who brought them food, the people who did the actions at the dail and the airport and the FF Ard Fheis, the people who supported them, those who gave money, time and moral support, prison visits, handed out leaflets on streets on bad days, those who brought the state to court, tried to inform the public about what was going on,
the people who didn't run for cover when things were hard and actions were not popular in the media or with the lilly livered opposition.
They all played a part in something important, it's not just a newsheadline or an award, or a move to get recognition.
What these people want is not an award.
What they want is for more people to pitch in to try put things right in a screwed up world.
And they want it because millions of people need it to happen, whether it's in Afghanistan, Iraq or our own backyard.
He was 'dead against the war' !
Keiran Allen.
On the UCD front, I think left of the year should go to James Redmond/antrophe for keeping everyone on this site up to date on lefty happenings, such as the occupation of various government bulidings, protests, blockades of the vet building etc. He played a huge part in the campaign for free education (CFE) in this past year, whic has ensured fees were not re-introduced.
Also think Oisin Kelly deserves a mention. Actively involved in anti-fees protests, helped organised library sit-ins, which have resulted in extended opening hours of the Earlsort Library. He also made everyone aware of the outrageous prices charged in campus bookshop.
writers, commentators, trolls, spies, nutters, paranoids, editors, techheads, KGB, Cia, gardaí, students, godheads, fascists, authoritarian socialists, good writers taking the piss, plagiarists, bad writers shining, friends, enemies, passerbys, myself, you.
entities, programes, aliens, spindoctors, journalists, kids, grandparents, fine gael ógras,
And it happens to us all.
¿is JmcK really lone gun man?
¿s Avi H really Mossad?
¿is the ipsiphi really an entity?
¿is risible really anonymous?
¿is Sean really as bad as he seems?
I don't care neither are me, and i advise people not to worry too much about these things.
the great cultural historical flow of indymedia continues regardless.
The project continues even if trolls are there, even if people troll, the project continues and blooms even with the divisive insults. The project continues even when people are hurt, the ego bruised and decide to abandon the collective. The project continues when the students go on holidays, and the workers don't do weekends, and the journalists and others only skim read.
And in the last year, the site has transformed thanks to Vinnie and others in the techteam, new facilities that have helped many people access _information_.
The writing and journalistic side has improved thanks to contributors and the editors. The photographs were wonderful. And the eventual introduction of graphics too. Thanks in no particular order to as many of us all as I can remember:
Eamon, Chekov, Aidan, Daithi, Iosaf, Eoin, Tim, Anthony, Risible, Ciaron, Duncan, Ronan, Dave, JD. Hagar, Pat, Padraic, Phuqhead, HS, chewey, james, mags, [arghh who will I unavoidably leave out?] and all the spindocters. might your hearts beat true.
_We_ have continued to give the "Left" both globally and in Ireland the space it needs to be effective. That space is as much in your head and voice as it is in any parliament.
So the project goes on.
2004 more countries, and cities and transnational zones, in Ireland the printflare project will join other community efforts which started in 2003 to keep that space open.
and more women will come on board.
(did you notice I squeezed myself in? well you'll get that)
you can see through it. great. you'll get that. Thanks to everyone that gave Indymedia Eire the time of day or night
Ciaron (Catholic Worker), theatrical direct action master
Tim, the tireless plane spotter
Mary Kelly, the lady with the hammer
Eoin Dubsky, the painter
Joe Higgins, the TD of the people
Richard Boyd Barrett, the attention seeking, careerist sell out of the year
Kieran Allen, the Irish caricature of Lenin
Aoife, the poster girl of the IAWM
Comrade Wingfield, the neanderthal socialist
Vote Ciaron O'Reilly for left of the year.
Because he is the Unelected leader of anarchism in Ireland and has an excellent middle class catholic position on social issues like abortion divorce etc.
I think Ray, the Number One Indymedia Censor should be nominated. He heads up the Indymedia Management Team who do not approved of free speech or fair and balanced reporting. uses censorship on a daily basis - of course they don't want you to know that.
Ray ensures that reasonable comment, for example those that supported the war on terrorism, gets deleted. Your voice won't be heard.
So Ray it' s gotta be you.
I think 'Magneto' shold be awarded for his insightful journalistic pieces and fantastic contributions to this site.
Ye SP muppets can elect a glorious leader as left of the year again, but it's too late for you to win a nomination for Badman's left muppet of the year competition. Funnily enough, the nominees are similar to the above! The current slate is as follows:
1. Rich Boy Barrett (SWP) - Evens
- Describing GNAW's March 1st demo on Morning Ireland: "There will be very, very small numbers involved and I doubt they'll get anywhere near the fence."..."small and poorly organised" ... "fizzle out"...
- Being Chairman of every single campaign in DL that the SWP control. Surely they have somebody else who they could trust to pull the strings of a front out there?
- Doing everything possible to hold back the bin tax blockades, even after non-collection started in DL.
2. Paul Gogarty (Greens) - 2/1
Abused protestors in trying to persuade Dail blockade to let the TD's cars out of the Dail so he could go home for his tea.
Giving the fingers to a bin-tax picket on his way into a Fingal council meeting.
Being a general muppet who has the gravitas of a school boy.
3. Entire Sinn Fein party 4/1
Hillsborough, warning supporters to stay away from Shannon on March 1st for fear of 'violence', Mark Daly & the bin tax, pantomime politics in the North.
4. Joe Higgins (SP) 10/1
"Virtual Warriors" quote while GNAW were facing off with the cops.
Willingness to dance to the tune of the CWI British leadership
Get your votes in now!
is it not an attempt at incredible subversion to nominate an anarchist (ciaran o reilly) for an award?
Would any true anarchist actually accept such an award?
he's always jarring our ideological prisms to put us back on track. everyone needs that. 2004 is going to be a crazy year ahead and iosaf is just the leader we need for these crazy times :-)
merry xmas and all that!
Yes badman Joe higgins should get muppet of the year as he is the only TD willing to go to jail and organise effective protest against the bin tax.
Or maybe he should get it for his principled opposition to the war in Iraq?
I do not understand how the Catholic Workers can be described as anarchists when they follow a old unelected polish man living in Rome and think he is INFALLABLE! sorry, i make a correction the pope is elected- elected by cardinals who are very unrepresentative and unaccountable.
Could an anarchist please tell me why they don't bring this up with the CWers and they do bring up false and unjustified accusations of 'cult leadership following' everytime socialists post on indymedia.
While we're at it why don't the CWers answer the questions about their views on divorce, abortion, celibacy, gay marriage etc. Ciaron O'Reilly or one of the others may say that they have 'no official position' on these questions. OK Fair enough Ciaron, what's YOUR personal view then?
its gotta be Santa. his tireless dedication to the poor children all around (parts) of the world alone is enough to win him the award. lets give him the accolade before old Gee Dub takes offence at the indiscriminate violation of the security of our homes, his blatant ignorance of US-led WTO trade restrictions, and other general visa requirements. Has he even filed with the IRS in the last 2000 years? He's a criminal people.
And if Santa is ever caught, then of course some marines will be despatched to restore "order and democracy" to lawless Lapland. Watch out elf children, dont stand near any military installations...
Once again buddy. Why do I have to do all the reading, thinking and explaining for you?..get off your ass and read any serious history of the anarchist movement and there you will find the "Catholic Worker" movement founded by Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin in 1933 ( Try Nicolas Walter's "Introduction to Anarchism", Try "Demanding the Impossible - A History of Anarchism".. Listen to Ani deFranco and Utah Phillips track "Anarchy" on "The Past Didn't Go Anywhere" album. Rent "Entertaing Angels" from your local video store, if you missed it on RTE and Channel 5 last week. Along with the IWW, the CW is recognised as one of the oldest anarchist movements (not famous for long shelf life) in North America.
What is your position on divorce, celibacy, abortion, car crashes, whatever????? AND do you plan to seize state power, legislate it and enforce it with the violence of cops and prisons. If not - no worries.
The Catholic Worker is an anarchist pacifist movement - so you can do the math on responses to war, abortion, death penalty - none include legislation (the violence of the state etc.)...wehn we can muster resistance it will have the themes of nonviolence, solidarity, resistance to the profiteers and powerful and compassion to the canon fodder.
Our movement is graced by many who are veterans of abortion, war, domestic homicide, divorce, there is a gay CW caucus - all folks inform us who have nort been through these experiences.
There are 140 CW communities - all autonomous and with a remarkable coherency, 24 years after the death of our founder. There is a lot of debate within the movement on Catholicism, consistent life ethic, ploughshares/direct disarmament, refusal to take state funding, sexualtiy, economic redistribution etc.
I'm presently reading James Allison's "Faith Beyond Resentment - Catholic and Gay", would recommend this to you, if you'd like to emerge from your self-satisfied swamp of inaction, prejudice and cyniicism!
Understandable anarcho-aversion to bosses. But there is a need for leadership (shared role), desperate need for mentoring (or we are condemned to invent the wheel each generation) etc etc etc
Merry Christmas, Remember the Feast of the Innocents (It is continuing in Iraq & elsewhere with support form Irish society)
What about the UCD hacks who arnt into it for the limelight? Ray Rowen put a lot into the coke campaign but managed to be generally ignored by all concerned... and what about the the anti-deportation campaign? Donal OLaithain has managed t keep the campaign going more or less on his own.
Its great to work in a big campaign with loads of others but there are many issues that need to be highlighted and in many ways its harder when no-one gives you credit or even notices your there...
"Yes badman Joe higgins should get muppet of the year as he is the only TD willing to go to jail and organise effective protest against the bin tax. Or maybe he should get it for his principled opposition to the war in Iraq?"
He has redeemed himself somewhat, hence the long odds, but it remains the single greatest piece of muppetry in the year, so the nomination stands.
So once more some SP/SY twit decides that a 'cult leader of the year' poll is a smart way forward. Think again, it just makes you look dumb, because it is dumb.
We could also ask what about the other 20 odd bin tax prisoners - at least the rest of them did not make asses of themselves March 1st. Why single out the 'virtual warrior' for special mention.
Hear ye,hear ye,i am speaking to you all on behalf of the only viable candidate-marijuana.
Not only has my candidate stuck with the left through thick and thin but it has also been a huge contributor in the liberation of the human mind and the mental escape from right-wing conformism!
The Rastafari believe in peace and justice,together with equality for all peoples,several key morals upon which the Left and the fine institution that is Indymedia are based.
This they claim can be achieved through education and the Herb among other things.
So i would urge all the voters in the constituency Inymedia North/South/East/West to vote Mary Jane Number 1!
Ok lets look at this virtual wariiors thing.
One question,
Where were most of the Black Block people when bin trucks and bin depots were being blocked?
Where are the black blockers in the trade union movement?
Most of the BB have a NO orientation to the working class, most of the BB have a fairly poor record in working class struggles.
But then again standing symbolically face to face with some cops in Shannon has far more importance than the workers movement for most of these people
Of course there is some fine excep[tions such as WSM and others who these critisisms are not aimed at.
Ye SP muppets can elect a glorious leader as left of the year again, but it's too late for you to win a nomination for Badman's left muppet of the year competition. Funnily enough, the nominees are similar to the above! The current slate is as follows:
1. Rich Boy Barrett (SWP) - Evens
- Describing GNAW's March 1st demo on Morning Ireland: "There will be very, very small numbers involved and I doubt they'll get anywhere near the fence."..."small and poorly organised" ... "fizzle out"...
- Being Chairman of every single campaign in DL that the SWP control. Surely they have somebody else who they could trust to pull the strings of a front out there?
- Doing everything possible to hold back the bin tax blockades, even after non-collection started in DL.
- Complete failure to liaise with the GNAW and being responsible for dividing the anti-war community in Ireland
- Hijacking Shannon peace camp to promote himself on the Late Late Show
- Grabbing the mic and annoying all of us at every anti-war demo
- Being a rich, attention seeking, spoiled brat, toying with socialism
"Ye SP muppets can elect a glorious leader as left of the year again, "
dear oh dear carol where is the christmas cheer, you of course are above all of this "muppetry". you must be an anarchist you're obviously so smart and witty and won't let anyone tell You what to think. Well done, congratulations and happy xmas.
Carrol the poll is obviously just a bit of fun on indymedia so try to calm down no ones gonna tell you what to do.
I nominate isof because I couldn't imagine indymedia without his wonderfull poetic musings.
As for Leftie muppet of the year I'm gonna be partisan and nominate Magneto, well because he's magneto. All the contributors on indymedia get in the odd scrap but usually move on and learn to debate each other, he just goes on and on...
(i know my nominations are are indymedia based but I'm outside the country so its indymedia!)
if(cash_prize){nominate("me");} else{nominate("Godzilla, king of the Monsters");}
How would you know whether any of the black block were or were not active in other campaigns? or in their communities? Can you magically see through their masks?
I would never be mentioning names, but I know one BB personally, I know him to be involved in anti-racism stuff, and I also saw him at a couple of the bin depot blockades. I have also seen him distribute papers on behalf of a well-known political grouping.
If I were younger and fitter I would probably be a black blocker myself.
So wise up, there are real activists behind those masks.
All those in UCD who are starting to disappear up their own arses. Reality Dose lads - you're doing well, but you haven't saved the world or stopped fees, Coke-sponsored brutality, War or global capitalism....yet. CFE as a grassroots movement has gone quiet this year, and UCD is just one of 50 colleges in the state.
Come back when CFE are sweeping the country, not just one (admittedly large) college. Keep up the good work, but keep your egos under control.
Has to be Damien Duff!!!!!!!
> One question,
More than one.
> Where were most of the Black Block people when bin trucks and bin depots were being blocked?
Some of them were on the blockades. Others were in work, others were in school, others were in bed. Same as most people.
> Where are the black blockers in the trade union movement?
Some are members of trade unions. Negotiating with employers doesnt necessitate wearing a black mask.
> Most of the BB have a NO orientation to the working class, most of the BB have a fairly poor record in working class struggles.
How exactly do you know this if they have their faces covered up?
I could just as easily say that all of the people with black masks in Shannon were involved in the anti bin tax campaign in Mulhuddart and how would you know any better?
> But then again standing symbolically face to face with some cops in Shannon has far more importance than the workers movement for most of these people
Yep, some people are more interested in stopping a huge capitalist war machine than "the workers movement" (which is what, exactly?). Others are more interested in syndicalism, co-ops, and work related issues.
Again, how do you know the opinion of "most of these people" without having talked to "most" of them? Or are you able to read the minds of a crowd?
> Of course there is some fine excep[tions such as WSM and others who these critisisms are not aimed at.
Oh get fucked Seainin. The WSM were down there side by side with the people in black masks in Shannon. The BB isnt a "group" but a tactic (time and time again its stressed but people never pick this up...) which some people choose to do and others dont.
Some people involved in anarchism in Ireland are more passionate about different issues but we all get along and respect each others differences... a single indymedia shit stirring post from a probable nazi wont divide us.
'indymedia shit stirring post from a probable nazi wont divide us.'
a reasonable reply until this remark - its as if 'the black bloc' agrees with george w bush - 'you're either with us or against us'
Postings that have a go at one section of the anarchist movement while praising another are almost certainly from trolls who are trying to sow division for whatever reason. They definitely aren't from anarchists anyway. We have a happy situation in Ireland where anarchists generally help each other out and aren't divided by the sectarianism that is common in most of the political traditions on the left.
suppose the women were just tirelessly working away behind the scenes?
mags, "me", "phuqhead", mary, caoimhe and wow- they really are the ones aren't they?.
We love you every one.
even the thesbians and witches.
yes we know.
we have instincts for these things.
Come now, what you say about me could equaly apply to yr cde tintin. But Badman has made a good series of nominations.
I would like to add the folowing -
Editor of the year Stephen Boyd, for making (his masters ) Voice a truly open paper.
Trade Union Member of the year - Michael O'Brien - his briliant leadership of the lefties in the PSEU resulted in Inspector George Maybury getting the post of Ast General Secretary and the PSEU went on to attack the BIn Tax Campaign. Gee, Mick realy has the right on the run.
Michael O'Leary Perpetual TRophy for Bad Employer of the Year - the Socialist Party! Their fulltimers dont exactly have the best conditions. After 25 years of service, Dermot Connoly got no redundancy or pension payments. THese guys put ISME to shame.
There is no way i would award any Bolshevik or party lover an award for left wing activism. You might as well give it to their fellow excellant party pragmatist friends, Fianna Fail.The award would probably be posted on the first page of the Voice or The Socialist Worker similar to Michael O Learys Evening Heralds posting of Capitalist of the year. Every time i come back to Ireland I love getting a laugh from these propoganda rags. I like to think of them as the CNN of the left. When are people going to realise that these parasites of the left simply hang around to extend membership of their Dogmatic parties who are blind to their own hypocritical views. Joe Higgins in fairness to him does a lot in his community yet the sincerety of any Trot has to be questioned. The left in Ireland is gradually moving with the Times, the increased movement of the libertarian left is an absolute blessing. Things like the ISF are fantastic. Equally the efforts of the Shannon peace camps and increasing direct action of spontaneous groups have to be applauded. The left in Ireland has had a successful year but still has a long path to build, this includes removing old stones such as the SP and SWP. This is not easy but essential. When there are less people selling papers and more ordinary people getting directly invoved in their communities for the sake of the issue and not the party then serious progress can be made. My award for the left would definately go to Antrophe/ Redmond, his accounts on Indymedia in regards to that University sleep in amongst other things give faith to us self exiled Libertarian activists.
Magneto you are a troll, your last post proves it. Better judgment tells me not to feed you but i find it difficult to allow you slander people like Michael O'Brien who has genuinely played a very good role in building the left in the PSEU, which is no easy task.
At the time of Maybury's election the left only had 1 (or maybe 2) positions on the executive. They did not have a majority and despite the lefts efforts were unable to stop Maybury's election. You saying that MO'B is to blame for Maybury's election is like saying that clare Daly or Joe Higgins are responsible for Fingal Co Co bringing in Bin tax! O'Brien was in a MINORITY on exec in was the MAJORITY that elected Maybury NOT O'Brien.
One thing that the LP are responsible for though is their sell out. In 1992 they went around promising not to go into coalition with FF. Then of course they do just that, they proped up a viscious rightwing government that launched attack after attack on the working class. Including Brendan Howlin being responsible for implementing the Water Tax and attempting to disconnect people water. Of course the vast majority of workers can see through the lies put about by the LP. People can see that the Lp are a bunch of liars, careerists and sell outs. Just look at their results in Sligo, in 1992 they go 17% in 2002 they got less than 5%, basically because the candidate in Sligo was particularly guilty of lying to the people.
Its got to be Jakob nielson. he makes the net so democratic.
Santa ,getz' a vote.
Iosaf for making this site enjoyable.
The sp/swp leadership for showing leadership and reading books all about leadership {i.e: "leadership" by rudi guilaini}.
eoghan Harris,magneto,kevin myres, conor cruise o brien,brendan o'connor,that woman on the rte newsdesk who tells every leftist to "fuck off" on the phone,rte,gearldine kennedy,brendan o'connor and other assorted right thinking media-spanners about dublin.
Indymedia ray - for being a (ill leave the language).
How many votes do we get?
Are they all electronic?
Sinn fein.
The greens.