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News Round-Up Fri Mar 07, 2025 01:19 | Richard Eldred
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Call Bearded Trans Colleagues Women, NHS Staff Told Thu Mar 06, 2025 19:38 | Will Jones
NHS staff have been ordered to treat trans colleagues with beards as women and use female pronouns in training materials that also claim gender-neutral toilets promote "equality".
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Scotland's last oil refinery is to close with the loss of more than 400 jobs despite assurances from Keir Starmer and Ed Miliband, giving the lie to claims about Net Zero jobs and a "just transition".
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The Blob Comes for Starmer Thu Mar 06, 2025 15:33 | C.J. Strachan
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The Cheap Talk of Emmanuel Macron Thu Mar 06, 2025 12:37 | Noah Carl
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25Two public meetings will be held in June in Wynne's Hotel, Dublin around the subject of women and peace/social justice activism, one on June 22nd and the other on June 29th. These are being organised by the Afri and the Pitstop Ploughshares women. Watch the events section of Indymedia for speakers and further details.
The withdrawal of this carrier from Shannon is wonderful news. Recent figures, however, do indicate that US military activity at the airport is increasing, with a significant jump in through-traffic of troops.
The pressure must be kept up until all the carriers pull out.
Good Luck on July the Fifth and we'll support the Afri/Pitstops seminars . Its
great to see the experiences of women in activism vocalised, as well as
your name on the press-releases. This has been a hard time for all of you
especially the prolonged bail and retrials. Take care .
I have heard that the us Air line will be relocating to Germany when it pulls out of Shannon, while its great news that their going, one has to ask is it because Germany provides a more strategically viable base in case of conflict with Iran?
im just trying to see the bigger picture!
You may be correct. They might be moving because it's either, financially speaking, a better deal or because Germany offers security or/and strategic advantages. At this stage, we simply don't know. It could also be, partly at least, because Shannon is insecure and the subject of intermittent public controversy.
I don't know the reason, but I'm still absolutely delighted to see the back of them. There is also a vibrant anti-war movement in Germany and one hopes they will eventually succeed in ending their government's assistance to the US war machine; Germany's membership of NATO means they have a much bigger task.
Meanwhile, we need to focus on getting the rest of the US war machine out of Ireland.
Ah, you poor naive dreamer. Don't you know that the USA has a huge military presence in Western Germany ? The Russians left the Eastern part but Uncle Sam, the great imperial hegemon has stayed on in the West.
Their military hospital for all the wounded soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan etc. is located at Landstuhl/Ramstein:,13319,FL_mental_0....html
Do you seriously think that any German government would dare to stop US military operations on their soil ?
Dream on my friend.
The installation map shows the active aircraft operating Air Force and Army bases in Germany.
Good news for us, but bad news for the Germans who now have to get to work to banish these flights from Leipzig.
Can somebody please help with a translation of the following article?
In den Urlaub
(Eigener Bericht) - US-Kombattanten nutzen den Flughafen Leipzig beim Anmarsch ins irakisch-afghanische Kampfgebiet. Der erste Anflug fand am 23. Mai statt, ab dem 1. Juli sind monatlich bis zu 160 Start- und Landemanöver vorgesehen. Dies erfährt aus Leipzig. Auch die Auffrischung der Kriegstruppen durch Rotation und ihre zeitweise Rückverlegung erfolgt über den Leipziger Flughafen.
If I understand it correctly, the first landing of US troops at Leipzig Airport took place on 23 May, and there will be 160 troop transports to/from Iraq or Afghanistan transiting there every month from 1 July?
It would be very interesting to see a reliable translation of the full article - bitte schön!
How do we go about coordinating our efforts with Germans and other decent people around Europe who may find themselves colluding with the troop transports when we have banished them from Shannon?
A worthy dream, Fintan, whatever the anonymous cur might say.
on the relevant German Indymedia site:
Before I did that, I tried to find relevant articles already posted on but drew a blank.
Fingers crossed!
What you dreamers do not realise is that modern Germany is as much a "vasall state" of the Great Imperial Hegemon as the GDR was of the Soviet Empire.
A few muesli-eating Birkenstock wearing hippies aren't going to change that.
The US war machine will only be driven out of any country by the same methods that were used to drive the Imperial British war machine out of Ireland (albeit only partially). In case you don't understand what that means, let me clarify: the same methods employed by Dan Breen when he pulled the trigger at Soloheadbeg.
However, given the close links between Dan Breen's self-proclaimed would-be successors and the agents of the Great Imperial Hegemon, I won't be holding my breath.
See the sorry sight here:
Given that my own knowledge of German is poor, I have used Altavista's Babel Fish to prepare rough translations of a couple of excerpts of this article, as below. No apologies for the quality of these excerpts, which at least provide some impression of what's going on in Leipzig.
(It's English, but not as we know it!)
In flagranti 07.06.2006 LEIPZIG/WASHINGTON/BERLIN/BAGDAD (own report) - the transfer of supply forces for the Iraq and Afghanistan war over the airport Leipzig began. A contingent with 400 US soldiers landed on past Sunday. Photos, which publish German foreign today, document this. How the German air traffic control on request confirms, the troop transport came from the USA and indicated as goal airport Kuwait. Although it concerns with the transportation machine an allegedly civilian airplane of the US company "World Airways", the German air traffic control proceeds from a military approach.
The US military transportation ran so far over the Irish air haven Shannon, but since newest are rerouted, since Leipzig ensures a 24-Stunden-Start and a landing enterprise. In Shannon the night enterprise could be noticed only limited. On the Leipziger airport also several wide-body transport vehicles of the type Antonov 124-100 (right in the picture) are stationed. On behalf of NATO and the European Union they are to transport tanks, rockets and other bulky weapons to with difficulty accessible theaters in Africa and Asia. As the German Secretary of Defense confirmed recently, Leipzig is as supply airport for the coming military employment in the Congo vorgesehen.[6 ] the troop transportation over Leipzig serves the rotation of the combat personnel, who is flown during and to the employments in the Iraq or to Afghanistan for revitalization to the homeland barracks. Goal airport is among other things Bangor (Maine). Here land also the corpse transportation, which bring the US military with special machines into the homeland. The US losses in Afghanistan and in the Iraq reached sizes, which make a constant reinforcement of the combat troops necessary - over Leipzig.
An article posted by me last night has encouraged a couple of contributors to share articles in German about what's going on in Liepzig:
Click on the "automatic translation" link near the top of the page to see a rough translation, including comments re the illegality of the transits at Leipzig. Again, no apologies for the kind of text that serves to demonstrate why machine translation will not abolish the need for professional translators any time soon:
"In opinion of experts in international law the military use of the Leipziger of airport offends against article 5 paragraph 3 of the 2-plus-4-Vertrages from 12 September 1990."
Die US-Militärtransporte liefen bisher über den irischen Airport Shannon, aber werden seit neuestem umgeleitet, da Leipzig einen 24-Stunden-Start- und Lande-Betrieb gewährleistet. In Shannon konnte der Nachtbetrieb nur beschränkt wahrgenommen werden. Auf dem Leipziger Flughafen sind auch mehrere Großraumtransporter des Typs Antonow 124-100 (rechts im Bild) stationiert. Im Auftrag der NATO und der EU sollen sie Panzer, Raketen und andere sperrige Waffen an schwer zugängliche Kriegsschauplätze in Afrika und Asien transportieren. Wie der deutsche Verteidigungsminister kürzlich bestätigte, ist Leipzig als Nachschubflughafen für den kommenden Militär-Einsatz im Kongo vorgesehen.[6]
May I offer some small assistance in polishing up the Babelfish "translation".
Due to the significantly different grammatical and idiomatic structures, machine translation from German to English tends to give pretty bizarre results. There are still things that a human can do better even if it takes some time.
The point seems to be that in Shannon it was not possible to offer 24-hour start and land facilities. The capacity for night-time flights was too limited. Leipzig offers round-the clock facilities so it was chosen instead.
[This is what our political and business caste is constantly warning us about. the Celtic Tiger has made us bloated and complacent. We are becoming globally uncompetitive. The Lords of International Capital don't even want to use us any more in their global military supply chain. ]
According to the report, Leipzig will be used on behalf of NATO and the EU to transport tanks, missiles, and other bulky weaponry to "theatres of war" which are difficult to access (schwer zugängliche Kriegsschauplätze) in Africa and Asia (presumably this means difficult to access directly from the USA). Leipzig is also intended to be used as the supply point for upcoming military operations in Congo.
[Well you see, it seems the Russians did leave something useful behind them when they withdrew from the GDR ........ Think of what it would do for "d'economy" in Ireland if we had such magnificent facilities !]
One of the above postings about Leipzig contains the comment:
"In opinion of experts in international law the military use of the Leipziger of airport offends against article 5 paragraph 3 of the 2-plus-4-Vertrages from 12 September 1990."
Article 5 para. 3 of the so-called two-plus-four agreement reads:
(3) Following the completion of the withdrawal of the Soviet armed forces from the territory of the present German Democratic Republic and of Berlin, units of German armed forces assigned to military alliance structures in the same way as those in the rest of German territory may also be stationed in that part of Germany, but without nuclear weapon carriers. This does not apply to conventional weapon systems which may have other capabilities in addition to conventional ones but which in that part of Germany are equipped for a conventional role and designated only for such.
Foreign armed forces and nuclear weapons or their carriers will not be stationed in that part of Germany or deployed there.
The last sentence of the cited Article stipulates that "foreign armed forces" shall not be stationed in the territory of the former GDR - Leipzig of course is within that territory.
But my friends, let us be honest with ourselves.
Info re. 2 plus four agreement:
Full text:
for useful contributions and thought-provoking comments!
Indeed we may ask: Why was this decision made?
I am not convinced by the suggestion that World Airways suddenly, after more than three years using Shannon, discovered that there was an airport at Leipzig that offered 24-hour service. Since Shannon had the capacity to transit the entire contingent of imperial troops to and from Iraq last year, and since recruitment to the legions has been going like cold potatoes, I don't see that demand should be increasing so much as to demand round-the-clock service.
Unless, of course, there are plans to withdraw from Iraq and invade somewhere else? However unwise such an invasion might seem, it has a precedent in the invasion of Iraq itself.
I notice that the usual hecklers are conspicuously silent. Is this because they have been instructed to keep mum on this one?
I can see no reason why Leipzig should suddenly have become cheaper than Shannon, but I suppose it is possible. Perhaps Leipzig was cheaper all along, but the political climate has changed under the new government? Can anybody provide further information about these economic and political aspects?
Finally, is it conceivable that the board of World Airways and the Minister for Transport are predicting that the Pitstop Ploughshares will be acquitted next month, and that this will have implications for continued permission to transit at Shannon? Perhaps they simply want to pre-empt proceedings that might force them out - proceedings in the form of an injunction, a criminal prosecution, or a mattock?
"The point seems to be that in Shannon it was not possible to offer 24-hour start and land facilities. The capacity for night-time flights was too limited. Leipzig offers round-the clock facilities so it was chosen instead."
And if you believe that you'd believe anything. No organisation will ever admit it was forced to change its plans due to grass-roots action, be it a strike, mass protest, or anything else.
Leipzig is in the former East Germany where the US has never had a military presence, so that aspect is irrelevant. However, there is lots of right-wing sentiment around in the East and the US may be hoping for an easier ride there. I trust our German friends will prove them wrong in that assumption.
The Irish activists deserve our sincere thanks and congratulations, and the struggle goes on.
If truth be told, I believe very little of official utterances in whatever shape or form.
In fact I was merely trying to provide a quick translation of a part of the German text of the earlier posting PURPORTING to give the reasons for the change of location.
While in no way wishing to disparage the sincerity and courage of those involved in actions against Shannon, I would caution against wallowing in too much self-congratulation. A powerful Imperial Hegemon like the USA isn't going to be deflected from its plans by a handful of "dissidents" and an overly inquisitive cleaning lady in a peripheral outpost of its Empire. If they had wanted to continue using Shannon they would have done so and the lackies in Leinster House would have facilitated them as eagerly as they have done so far. The cleaning lady problem is very easy to solve. Just replace the indigenous staff (who to their eternal credit have a sufficient sense of duty and initatitive to file a complaint) with some cheap imported coolie labour living in fear of its life due to its precarious economic situation and tell the world that this is due to the forces of "globalisation".
The decision to move to Leipzig seem to be related to a high-level EU-NATO decision to use this as a central hub for various military "adventures" as stated in the German text posted above. My assessment of the current German government is that it is probably a bit more pliable than its predecessor under Schröder. Schröder to his credit managed to keep Germany out of any direct involvement in the Iraq debacle. However, this caused a palpable breach in German-US relations which Merkel has been keen to repair. Making Leipzig available for the US military may be part of that.
As for the "right-wing sentiment in the East", the conclusions you are attempting to draw here seem to me to be rather far fetched. This so-called "right-wing sentiment" is an expression of the frustration of East Germans who lost their political sovereignty overnight and were rather brutally overrolled by their Western compatriots. On the back of this frustration, nationalist groups like the NPD have gained a certain amount of electoral support in the East and there are frequent media reports of skinheads attacking "dark-skinned foreigners" etc.
But I have seen very little evidence that this "right-wing sentiment" is in any way "pro-American".
Quite the contrary. If you take the trouble to study the rhetoric of allegedly "right-wing" nationalist groups like the NPD it tends to be pretty anti-American. As far as I am aware, the NPD even wanted to organise a rally in support of the Iranian president whom it was rumoured might come to Berlin if Iran made it into the finals of the World Cup.
Pro-US sentiment is probably much stronger in other former communist states of Eastern Europe (at least in political circles) where the US is to some extent portrayed as a "liberator" from communism. East Germans - to the extent that one can generalise about such matters - probably do not see Uncle Sam as a "liberator". In fact many are angry about what they perceive as their betrayal after national "unification" (which in terms of Realpolitik was not exactly a willing union of equals but rather a fairly aggressive takeover of the Russian puppet-state by the US protectorate).
For what it's worth my speculation is that it's far more likely that this is part of a high level deal between the US and German govts. Merkel is probably hoping for some economic spin-off for the economically depressed East - hence the choice of Leipzig - which as the earlier postings make clear is contentious from a legal viewpoint due to the 2 plus 4 Agreement.
The Russians are the only signatory power of that agreement likely to lodge an objection.
So if you hear about the US withdrawing from Leipzig, I wouldn't automatically assume that German protestors have been successful in their efforts to dislodge the US war machine but rather that the Russian Bear has growled sufficiently loudly to make itself heard - which might not be too easy under present circumstances !
"Pro-US sentiment is probably much stronger in other former communist states of Eastern Europe (at least in political circles) where the US is to some extent portrayed as a "liberator" from communism. East Germans - to the extent that one can generalise about such matters - probably do not see Uncle Sam as a "liberator". In fact many are angry about what they perceive as their betrayal after national "unification" (which in terms of Realpolitik was not exactly a willing union of equals but rather a fairly aggressive takeover of the Russian puppet-state by the US protectorate)."
Fair enough. But the assertion that Shannon cannot offer 24-hour take-off and landing facilities is simply a lie, as I know very well as a former resident of the place. So the question remains as to the real reason for the abrupt departure.
There may well be logistical or political factors involved, but IMHO it would be naive indeed to suppose that the manifest unpopularity of the landings and the actions of the activists played no role in the decision.
They were quite simply chased out of the place. The ball now passes to the Germans.
As I understand the story, ONE airline carrier which transports US troops has decided to transfer its activity from Shannon.
The US military is not however, abandoning its use of Shannon.
Read the earlier posting by Fintan Lane:
"The withdrawal of this carrier from Shannon is wonderful news. Recent figures, however, do indicate that US military activity at the airport is increasing, with a significant jump in through-traffic of troops."
This is the only article I could find on Leipzig halle,
Nearby Leipzig/Halle airport has struggled to fill its 7 million capacity since its Terminal B was added in 1996 – volumes last year were around the 2 million mark. “The danger then is that you have problems refinancing. We would rather grow with the market,” says Johannsen-Roth
So what ya do with a struggling industry create military work for it. The point about not having US military in former GDR is interesting, the many references to the large US miltary bases outside of the US in Germany show you what stays even 50 years after a war?
One of my elves has pointed out that English translations of some articles are available on the website.
For example:
Red Handed
(Own report) - The transfer of reinforcements for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, by way of the Leipzig Airport, has begun. A contingent of 400 US soldiers landed last Sunday, as is being documented by photos, published here by The troop transport arrived from the USA, as the German air traffic control confirmed on request, and indicated its destination to be Kuwait Airport. Allegedly this is a civilian transport machine of the US company, "World Airways", but German air traffic control proceeds from a military landing. This violates several international accords. World Airways is the largest US military service provider and is paid by the Pentagon. From now on up to 40,000 US combat troops monthly will be transferred via Leipzig. The US soldiers will be accommodated on German territory, to be in good condition for their forthcoming war deployment. According to experts in international law, this is an act of German aid to illegal operations taking place in third states. This flagrant violation of current legal norms is documented by in a picture series.
Read the rest here:
Note the language options at the top right of the page:
deutsch english polski français
Directly under these links is a Search field.
A search for key word "Leipzig" produces more interesting articles, including the following:
Take Off Into the Summer
(Own report) - On Thursday, March 23, NATO will take over the Leipzig Airport, as a staging area for strategic air transports to future theaters of war. Because of the German "lead nation" role, Berlin is sending the Defense Minister to Leipzig, who is accompanied by several of his NATO counterparts, the deputy NATO General . . .
Cooped Up in Leipzig
(Own report) - The German sociologist of law, Professor Dr. Martin Bennhold, advises that an international lawsuit should be initiated against the development of installations at the Leipzig Airport, in preparation for service in NATO and EU combat missions. According to Bennhold, the "military conversion" is in violation of the 4-plus-2-Accord, which forbids foreign troops . . .
On the Ruins of War
(Own report) - The consequences of the western Islamophobic provocations are causing serious apprehension to the German military's (Bundeswehr) Operations Command and are hampering Germany's NATO units' combat mission in Afghanistan. The German occupation troops are coming under persistent pressure from Afghan mass protests and are trying to make a military base secure in the . . .
God information on behalf of german foreign policy in general and
in this case the new function of the to the airport Flughafen Halle/Leipzig gives
this enterprise tries to get its expenses by selling the news
for this the messages are disapearing after a while behind an archiv barrier.
On behalf of resistance against this new military function there
is an article and I already have not found the botton to change
the language, maybe it is too expensive to run the whole media in different languages.
Nicht nur der zunehmende Fluglärm bringt immer mehr Bürger gegen den Ausbau des Flughafens Leipzig auf. Auch die mit der geplanten militärischen Nutzung verbundenen Sicherheitsgefahren – etwa durch Unfälle mit Kampfmitteln oder durch gegnerische Angriffe – sorgen für Beunruhigung und wachsenden Widerstand. So versucht die Interessengemeinschaft (IG) Nachtflugverbot Leipzig den Flughafenausbau mittels juristischer Schritte sowie mit Unterschriftenaktionen, Protesten und Petitionen zu verhindern.
Auch zahlreiche Friedensinitiativen in der Region Leipzig rufen zum Widerstand auf.
Not just the increasing noise anoise more and more citicens against the enlarging of the airport Leipzig. Also the dangers conected with the planed military use, for instance by accidents with weapons or attacs of an enamy are causing frighting and increasing resistance.
In this context tries the "Interessengemeinschaft (IG) Nachtflugverbot Leipzig" Junction of interests for a prohibition of the use of the airport during the night by judiridial steps and the collection of signatures.
protests and petitions to impead the enlargement of the airport.
Numerous iniciatives for peace in the region Leipzig are calling for resistance.
My estimacion,from a distance to Leipzig,is that the region of Leipzig until now has no history in resistance like perhaps another region which resist against an airmanuver site called bombodrom.
Kyritz-Ruppiner Heide in Nordbrandenburg
In terms of how to estimate the people of the region the military maybe wrong.
I have translated the article posted on the translation tool website regarding this post. It is now in the revision stage. Hope it is helpful, if rather late, only found out about the translation tool the other week and thought I could help out. the link is:
Very useful, Franjay. This is still very topical.
I found the following paragraph very witty:
Saxony’s provincial government always denied the now known use of Leipzig’s airport as the supply centre for ongoing acts of war or declared it improbable.[5] Still, in March the ministry of state told the parliament of Dresden that there exists “no evidence regarding foreign armed forces using Leipzig-Halle’s airport.[6] ... The “Leipziger Volkszeitung” (a newspaper from Leipzig) shows how one could resolve this contradiction and the proven infringement of the 2 plus 4 treaty. In the editorial, in a brilliant journalistic performance, it was written that “World Airways”, the worlds largest military charterer, concerns a “civil airline”.[8] For the transporting of tens of thousands of Iraq and Afghanistan combatants the newspaper invented the headline: “US soldiers fly through Leipzig on their holidays”.
This same explanation could apply to the Irish government's denials of military activity at Shannon three and a half years earlier.
Perhaps the American troops who landed their Hercules at Shannon at the end of December last year thought that Ireland was off the coast of Australia, so they were planning to celebrate the New Year on the beach? But they didn't want to get sunburnt, so they packed lots of long-sleeved, sand-camo beach-party suits. Unfortunately, they didn't get to go surfing at Lahinch as they spent their holiday under house arrest at a local hotel. It seems that the Hague Convention makes provisions to extend a very special kind of hospitality to people who go on holiday in sand camo.
USAF Hercules crew lodge at Limerick hotel
Please note the following event:
Conference: Ireland’s role in international affairs - from making war to promoting peace
There will be a delegation of concerned citizens from near Leipzig at this conference, so I look forward to establishing a friendly and fruitful collaboration between Ireland and Germany in demilitarising our airports.
Please get in touch with me by e-mail if you are prepared to do some more translation work of important articles and notices related to this campaign.