Independent Media Centre Ireland

Think twice before giving that swine flu vaccine to your kids

category national | anti-capitalism | other press author Tuesday September 15, 2009 11:38author by SavedByFerrets

Baxter have secured part of the contract and to say the least, they have a rather dubious record in this field

Baxter have secured an immunity from liability from the Irish government in the event that their rushed to market swine flu vaccine has "unforseen" problems. Essentially If your kids die or get sick as a direct result of taking their vaccine then tough luck
Oops we accidentally mixed in live bird flu with our seasonal flu vaccine
Oops we accidentally mixed in live bird flu with our seasonal flu vaccine

Baxter have secured an immunity from liability from the Irish government in the event that their rushed to market swine flu vaccine has "unforseen" problems. Essentially If your kids die or get sick as a direct result of taking their vaccine then tough luck.

Swine flu vaccine has been at the centre of controversy in the US in the the past where one particular vaccine resulted in more deaths than the particular outbreak of swine flu itself.

Baxter in particular have been at the centre of several virus and vaccine related controversies recently. Including the "accidental" mixing of bird flu and normal flu samples in their International research facility in Orth-Donau, Austria., which they then shipped to subcontractors in the Czech republic, slovenia and germany for use in the mass production of normal seasonal flu vaccines which children and old people routinely take each year at the suggestion of their GP. Only the suspicious death of test ferrets in the lab of some diligent subcontractors in a Czech lab prevented a possible spreading of a mixed strain with a high potential for mutation into a human spread human flu / bird flu mix which could have been similar to the infamous spanish flu.

Thats the same Baxter that will be given a large chunk of the 1 billion euro+ budget Ireland may be spending on swine flu vaccine. Thats a lot of money on vaccines, considering Mary Harney's refusal to fund the recent vaccination program for young girls which cost a mere fraction of this.

Not to wax conspiratorial but considering the amounts of money at stake, It would not be surprising to find out that ethics might take second place to greed and corners might be cut in the rush to supply anti-viral drugs and vaccines to a huge media hyped fear pumped and panicked marketplace. And was it a complete coincidence that their H5N1 vaccine license is expected shortly? I truly hope so.

As an aside, in a related fact, one is also not inspired by the knowledge that a certain Donald Rumsfeld has a large stake in the company responsible for the rather lucrative anti viral drug tamiflu which we have already invested heavily in. But I digress. Check it out yourself .

I studied and am a firm believer in science but in my opinion corporate for profit driven science needs to be closely monitored. My faith in vaccines is not what it used to be. Like most products of big pharma, I won't take them unless I consider it absolutely necessary. Personally I won't be taking this vaccine. I'll catch flu like everybody else from a door handle or a sneeze, monitor the severity of my symptoms and meanwhile get a proper check up to make sure I'm not one of the very small number of very unlucky people with an underlying condition or immune system overreaction which makes it more severe than a normal case of the flu ( which kills 35-40000 annually).

Scientists say the following people are particularly susceptible:

* people with:
- chronic lung disease,
- chronic heart disease,
- chronic kidney disease,
- chronic liver disease,
- chronic neurological disease (such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease)
- immunosuppression (whether caused by disease or treatment) and
- diabetes mellitus,
* patients who have had drug treatment for asthma within the past three years,
* pregnant women,
* people aged 65 years and older, and
* young children under five years old.

people in these higher-risk groups who catch swine flu should get antivirals and start taking them as soon as possible if they detect flu symptoms.

I suggest you get a thorough check up then gauge your own personal risk accordingly. But try to keep your response proportional to your particular health risk profile.

Considering this outbreak has proven to be no worse than a normal flu outbreak in terms of its effects, I wonder how many lives this huge investment of 1 billion euro on vaccines from Baxter and their corporate buddies will actually save and how many more lives it might save if invested elsewhere in the health system. (such as having a national program of thorough check ups for free for instance! )
and who ultimately profits from all the hype. No doubt Baxter stock holders will do quite nicely.

I do wonder if there are any prominent Baxter stockholders in Irish public life.
Please comment if you are aware of any thanks.

Full article by Christian Massey and some related background material (some of which is quite alarming!!) can be read at

And Those of you who thought the film "the constant gardener" could only be a work of fiction might be especially alarmed by this:

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