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Symbolic Protest

category national | crime and justice | feature author Friday April 09, 2010 16:52author by Religiousabusetruthauthor email religiousabusetruth at gmail dot comauthor phone 0862692524 Report this post to the editors

‘Religious Abuse Truth’ held a symbolic protest at the Pro Cathedral on Easter Sunday by placing children’s shoes at the altar.

featured image
Children's shoes tied to the railings of the Pro-Cathedral

One thousand pairs of children’s shoes of all sizes were tied to the railings outside the cathedral representing the victims of Roman Catholic abuse. Some passers by stopped to tie shoes. Many abuse survivors and supporters came together from as far as Cork and Wexford to attend the protest.

When Archbishop Duirmaid Martin approached a protestor he was told “that we do not negotiate with child abusing terrorists in Ireland” and “that the Roman Catholic Church is the largest paedophile ring in the world should leave Ireland immediately”.

Duirmaid Martin was interrupted while listening to another survivor, he again was attacked by the verbal onslaught “that they did not have any credibility in Ireland and he was wrong to ask a man to apologize for what was all evident to be true” Apologising later to the lady who was interrupted, she said that “it was ok, she didn’t mind, I just wish I could say what you say”

As the protestors made their way into the cathedral they were prevented from entering by stewards and Garda. One protestor was assaulted as he was told to leave the building he wasn’t welcome here. The Garda are investigating the incident after a complaint was made.

Kevin Flanagan said “that his mother had paid money for over 15 years to build that church. He had been refused entry into a house of GOD”. He then read out a poem from the steps of the cathedral written by a supporter of the survivors of abuse.

Some protestors did get to make their way to the altar to place the shoes they had brought to remember all who were abused, alive and dead. They were verbally abused too as they made their way in and out of the cathedral. A protestor broke down as she recalled harrowing scenes from the institution she had been detained in as she was interviewed by the press.
Some mass goers were offended by the shouting of the abuse that went on. Luckily for them it only last a short while, for many, it went on incessantly for years non stop.

Less than one hour after the protest was over, all the shoes had been taken down. On returning from lunch to remove the shoes, protestors were aghast to find bare railings with no shoes. The removal of the shoes has been reported to the gardai and an investigation is underway to find the shoes. The shoes costing €4000 were specially made for protests concerning religious abuse.

In response to the Irish Time article link to the ‘protesters disrupt pro cathedral mass’, I would like to say “The verbal abuse was intense but fleeting, it will cause them no harm. For those who were so inhumanely abused for decades by catholic’s, the harm is permanent. I make no apology to any terrorist organisation in my country, I do not negotiate with terrorists”. What God has made so beautifully, the Catholic Church has destroyed for their own gains for a Catholic supremacy state. As for one’s faith, that’s Gods call, I do not question it. I question the largest child abusing terrorist paedophile ring in the world, who’s sole purpose seems to be destruction of mankind through 500 years of demeaning child abuse and torture of the innocent.

Putting child abuse before terrorism tends not to invoke the real terror in terrorism. 9/11 is a prime example of how terrorists put fear in peoples lives. How governments respond to terrorism in stricter security measures at all airports. Fighting terrorism to make our world a safer place. Yet, children who were exposed to such harsh regimes and legions of abusers are kept silent about their trauma and abuse. Growing into adulthood, childhood has left an ugly mark that can never be removed. Subjected to over 90 years of systematic and clinical abuse of children by the Roman Catholic Church, is ‘TERRORISM’.

Protestors on the steps of the Pro Cathedral
Protestors on the steps of the Pro Cathedral

Protesters tying shoes to railings at the Pro Cathedral
Protesters tying shoes to railings at the Pro Cathedral

Protesters tying shoes to railings at the Pro Cathedral
Protesters tying shoes to railings at the Pro Cathedral

Shoes representing the victims and survivors of abuse
Shoes representing the victims and survivors of abuse

author by artpublication date Mon Apr 05, 2010 21:58author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It’s just typical of what one would expect, the faithful inside with their fingers in their ears; see no evil, hear no evil etc. They seem to think that perverting the course of justice is ok and nobody will notice, let’s hope they are held to account this time with the public outrage showing no sign of abating.
The well heeled and those depending on the institutions for their livelihood will remain very loyal, come what may. You will have also noticed they park their affluence in the form of grand vehicles as close to their place of worship as possible, in a show of solidarity, one could only wonder what is it they are thinking about, after the astonishing revelations of despicable abuse and cover-up
Perhaps it’s an opportunistic time to question what the Church knows about the after life. If you scratch the surface regarding this you will soon discover they know nothing.
Genetics has revealed we have a common ancestry and technically we should have a unified belief system. If there was any substance to mainstream religions there would already be Church unity.
That said we all need a belief system that makes sense and is reasonably verifiable even if it’s only theoretical.
The only aspect that fits the “God stuff” is a supreme form of AI “Artificial Intelligence” that may have transcended space time. Those that are interested should read about the “technological singularity” Ray Kruzweil wrote some stuff about same.
A debate on this is long overdue, but most of the press will not allow any form of departure from the entrenched dogmas of the status quo.
If I am asked my religion these days I say “quantumanity” to me it means believing that something different, as I fell that if God can hear me in Church he/she/or whatever can also hear me in the fields etc just as well.
The quest for answers will continue and our thoughts will always be with the vulnerable defenceless children who were the victims so let down on so many occasions.
Fair play to you all that are demanding explanations and accountability, at least you are trying and good luck.

author by pew manpublication date Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:08author address author phone Report this post to the editors

As a churchgoer I support the imaginative symbolical protest by victims and their relatives. I think it is imaginative and appropriate to tie children's shoes and handwritten messages to the church railings for churchgoers to look at and reflect.

author by Mark C - Contact.iepublication date Tue Apr 06, 2010 12:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Well done to all involved in this.

It is important that the whole truth of this sorry saga comes out. Visual acts such as this one are vital to keep the issue fresh in the minds of the public and the mass-goers.

It is also great to see something of this nature carried out with such dignity.

Mark C.

author by paul o toolepublication date Tue Apr 06, 2010 16:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is right to label the Roman Catholic Church as 'aTerrorist' organisation.
There are many ways to kill someone, and yet leave them 'alive', so to speak. The cruellest way is to destroy their trust in absolutely everything.
Sexual assault in this country against any woman gets you 10 years.
Repeated sexual assault, rapes, sometimes against many different victims by clergy, no matter how young and vunerable the victim may be, victims being 'shared' by clergy....in this country, gets protection by the catholic church, the police and the State for the perpetrators.
Looking to Rome for answers is a lost cause, theyve already shown their true colours....black as the garb on their priests.....

author by kevin flanagan - religiousabusetruth@gmail.compublication date Wed Apr 07, 2010 07:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

i was one of the people who was refused entry to the church on sunday to place a pair of shoes in memory of the victims who suffered at the hands of the people who has protected the people who commited crimes against our children as the bishops tell lies that it is in the hands of the police but still no charges have brought shame on the people that abused the who did make it to the altar i salute you and the people them the blood and suffering of our children are on your hands we will continue to fight to bring those who cover up this abuse to justice

author by lulupublication date Wed Apr 07, 2010 09:17author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The hierarchy of the Church need to realise how much harm the abuse & whitewash have done, bring them to light, & make a humble public penance for the crimes; until there is openness, innocent members of the priesthood & religious orders are tainted by the scandal, & Catholic parents feel guilt at their own well-meaning part in putting their children into the hands of potential abusers. Until this happens, the scandal drives suspicion & hostility toward clergy & faithful.
My children & I have positive experiences of nuns & Catholic schools, & we're aware of the harm done, whereas Church leaders seem to think that a call for obedience will remove the furore.
Abuse of children & vulnerable people has occurred in a great number of institutions; the harm cannot be undone, but secular & religious institutions need to learn from the horrors uncovered that they will be held accountable.

author by paul o toolepublication date Wed Apr 07, 2010 15:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The spin is sickening..

'We have learned lessons....' .
.....This is a time when the church needs to be 'reborn'.
'.....A time for reflection'.
'.....A time to invoke the true nature of Christ'.
'.....A time to re-engage with the true meaning of christs teachings'.

No word of justice for the victims, punishment for the perpetrators, a system of redress to ensure protection in the future fr the most vunerable in society.
The church is finished. It has no moral ground under it on which to pontificate to the rest of us. None!

author by Religious Abuse Truthpublication date Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:28author email religiousabusetruth at gmail dot comauthor address author phone 0872692524Report this post to the editors

Staff from the Pro Cathedral took down the shoes shortly after protestors left. It was an embarrassment to the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland who had the shoes removed as soon as possible. With the ever expanding litany of abuse from around the world being revealed on nearly a daily basis, the Catholic Church will find it hard to hide their record of torture of children from their parishioners.

Such is the nature of embarrassment for those who are responsible for the trafficking, rape, murder and torture of Irish children in Ireland. Cardinal Brady, who promised that the church has changed, let me remind him that promises are the luxury of politicians, not from the leader in Ireland of the largest child abusing pedophile ring in the world.

Terrorism on children has to end and by closing down the world’s largest pedophile ring. Canada has already evicted the Roman Catholic Church from its country after years of abuse with over 50.000 children missing. God only knows the real extent of the damage done in Canada. Our own reports of the abuse are just a small sample of what is going on in Ireland; we need a full International criminal investigation into the catholic church in Ireland. We cannot stand down while in our own country over 400 children have gone missing in the HSE and 23 deaths in the last 5 years. Catholic abuse of Irish children is ongoing with in Ireland under the guise of government departments.

Taking down our shoes from the railings of the Pro Cathedral was futile. We will never stand down to the world’s largest terrorist organisation, the Roman Catholic Church.

Baby Shoes at Pro-Cathedral Dublin.
Baby Shoes at Pro-Cathedral Dublin.

The bare railings of the Pro Cathedral shortly after protest.
The bare railings of the Pro Cathedral shortly after protest.

author by Religious abuse truthpublication date Fri Apr 09, 2010 10:58author email religiousabusetrut at gmail dot comauthor address author phone 0872692524Report this post to the editors

Correction from last comment, the phone number should read 0872692524

author by Number35publication date Sat Apr 10, 2010 02:42author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Marie-Therese O'Loughlin - A Victim-survivor of Goldenbridge Industrial School explains her background and her part in the demonstration. It is available at

Related Link: http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=102&topic_id=4331971&mesg_id=4337076
author by mesaintedauntpublication date Sat Apr 10, 2010 19:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Today the vatican is insisting that the pope acted correctly-

So don't worry, the matter is being dealt with at the highest level-

author by Portiapublication date Thu Apr 15, 2010 22:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Collective guilt and Denial.

They know they were complicit by association in the abuse by RC Priests.

The moment they pass through the church doors, they are showing support by their presence.

The moment they acknowledge their concern for the RC Priests victims, they acknowledge their guilt and association as accomplices.

The Catholic church is a Cult, brainwashed and conditioned into unquestioning obedience by their Masters to believe in the irrational and to carry out their will.

Mass indoctrination on the greatest scale ever seen – not even Hitler achieved such mass indoctrination and mind control.

They are rivalled only by the Muslims and the Jews.

author by Vincentpublication date Sat Apr 17, 2010 23:19author email religiousabusetruth at gmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

His royal highness, the pope, king of the Vatican, is on his world tour which began in Malta. As yet no arrest warrant for him, so he is free to attend to business. It's the other business which is following him on his tour that is more distasteful. The Pope leaves in his wake a bunch of babbling fools trying to defend his diplomatic immunity while he is out of his office. It is a PR stunt going embarrassingly wrong with every statement they make on his behalf. If no warrant is issued in Malta, surely he will meet one along his way. Let’s hope the volcano in Iceland dies down very soon to allow flights into Britain by September. Kevin Annet a minister from Canada, is also on a world tour on behalf of the 'Lost Children' in Canada where it is estimated that over 50,000 children went missing. Kevin said there were many similairties to the abuse and cover up in Canada and Ireland by the church and state. The Canadian authoriies sent delegations to Ireland to learn on how they handled the child abuse.

With the ever growing numbers of countries around the world now coming out with their own cases of abuse by the clergy, one cannot be but alarmed at the scale of such a paedophile ring. One cannot ignore the seriousness of what is happening here. Asking for penance doesn’t cut the ice here in bringing about true justice to those who have suffered and still suffer. Child abuse is not a sin it is a crime, but on this scale it is terrorism; a World Wide Web of terror on children. The world is now fighting in the war on terrorism; this church ought to be on that list.

The credibility of the Roman Catholic Church has been tarnished beyond repair to trust in the care of children. In the explosion of revelations of horrific child abuse including torture and murder that will echo now for centuries, how can anyone ever trust them? Their secret weapon has always been secrecy right down from the Vatican to the predator and victim. We have come through a history of abuse that lies in the annals of atrocities that will always now be remembered as the ‘mini holocaust’. The Church may say they have changed and promises of reassurances called for trust; but it has gone far beyond that to ever allow them such treasure.

It can be hard to face reality sometimes; especially in times when all are the chips are down. The hardened stealth of iron has rusted nearly to tin, much like the state of our Nation . We have no choice but to face the truth, it will not go away. Such pains of emotion we have to face, to come to terms with, to what has befallen us. It is going to be painful for everyone; those of us that have survived know only to well. Bringing about justice will be the only mechanics to bring forward the process for true penance and healing for all.

Rally at Dáil Eíreann for the 'Lost Children' in Canada
Rally at Dáil Eíreann for the 'Lost Children' in Canada

author by Culchie - nonepublication date Tue Apr 20, 2010 14:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It's all right, folks, because the mortal remains of St John Vianney are a-comin' to a neighbourhood near you. You can touch them and be healed of all your ailments, and will go straight to heaven, guaranteed. What's not to like?

Related Link: http://www.catholicbishops.ie/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1871:feature-visit-of-the-relics-of-st-jean-vianney&catid=12:Features&Itemid=49
author by Vincentpublication date Tue Apr 20, 2010 17:54author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think the Irish people have had enough lies and deciet for the last 90 years that allowed the torture of Irish children by roman catholics. Its time to get real and live in the real world. The roman catholic church, the worlds largest peadophie ring is now exposed. How can credibility be given to a peadophile ring? Only we, the people can stop this abuse by religious cults, not governments who say they want to bring about justice, if they were, I would not have to stand at the GPO calling out for a full criminal invetigation into the roman catholic church in Ireland. The corruption of the peadophile ring in Ireland reaches to the top level of government and judicial. It is these two bodies that can actually do anything about bringing justice for the victims and survivors.

We can see in the Hollie Gregg case in Scotland how the establishment can keep at bay the media and people who are trying to bring about justice for Hollie. Hollie is a 23 year old down syndrom child, she was raped and abused by her father from and early age. He brought his daughter to a peadophile ring for others to part take in her abuse. A lot of these peadophiles including women are from the highest ranks of authority in Scotland and England.

The same story is happening here as it is in Scotland. Cover up after cover up while a peadophile ring continues to abuse children in our midst.

Seeing as those in authority do not seem interested or concerned enough of childrens safety and welfare in Ireland, it is now up to the sovereign citizens to take action against this evil entity which is allowed to exist in our country with the help of State and Government.

The catholic churches day is done in Ireland.

author by kevin - religiousabusetruthpublication date Wed Apr 21, 2010 01:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

please show your support to HOLLIE GREIG by calling by the gpo on fri day and saturday to recive info on hollie case and the lack of support by the media and others shame on all as they try to cover up the case a 48hour fast will take place to highlight the case goole hollie greig

author by GEARD - CATHOLICABUSESURVIVORSNI.COMpublication date Sat Mar 03, 2012 20:28author email CATHOLICABUSESURVIVORS at GMAIL dot COMauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

CATHOLICABUSESURVIVORSNI.COM-------- the church of romes practice of child sex is as exposed world wide as the mormon church practice, the irish goverment must rid the state of such an evil unbiblical regime if it has any moral fibre left, congrats to ACCAI for the exposure and resistance to the vaticans frontman and hypocrite bishop dairmuid martin a wolf in sheeps clothing. NORTHERN IRELAND has 50,000 child abuse victims of the paedophile papal priesthood , nunneries, and de la salle christian brother kabals of rome, the main reason there will never be a public inquiry into the matter especially the fact the state paid old red sox brigade of unbiblical child abusing orders to keep the children in care for the state since 1922 and raped tortured and abused them, no goverment will prosper while such vile sinners are panderd to by hypocrites elected by the blind as CHRIST is the dispenser of all power in any land, EXPOSE THE CHILD SEX ABUSE SCANDAL IN NORTHERN IRELAND COMMITTED BY THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH DESCRIBED IN DETAIL IN THE BOOK OF REVELATION CHAPTER 17 THE MOTHER OF ALL HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.?

Related Link: http://www.catholicabusesurvivorsni.com/
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