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Lockdown Skeptics >> | Choosing Your Place In History In The COVID EraAre You A White Rose Rebel Or A Sportpalast Devotee? Pick a side Implicit, unconditional devotion to Der Fuhrer began to dwindle after the Battle of Stalingrad. Incrementally, people throughout Germany, who had their loved ones tied up in conflict on the road to the ‘New Order’ and Lebensraum, began to recognise that the Fascist regime - complete with its utopian overtures - was implementing yet another destructive ploy that would benefit the few at the expense of the many. Yet another banker-sponsored war would result in the slaughter of cannon fodder, as the unseen elites pulling the strings remained in their ivory towers, uncaring and apathetic to the ghastly reverberations. The promise of a shiny Shangri-la for the Germanics drifted further into the unreachable realms of fantasy land as the cold, harsh reality of death and destruction prevailed. There were those who had enough. They weren’t going to take it anymore.
Fast forward to the year 2021. Implicit, unconditional devotion to the imaginary force that is said to keep us safe and sound; said to be exclusively dedicated to the best interests of humanity, is also dwindling. Incrementally, people around the world who have watched their loved ones suffer on the road to the New World Order and the pledged Great Reset are beginning to recognise that the unelected billionaires - complete with their version of utopia - are implementing yet another destructive scam that would benefit the few at the expense of the many. Yet another billionaire Ponzi scheme is resulting in the devastation of the livelihoods of the population as yet again, the elites pull the strings and remain in their ivory towers, uncaring and devoid of compassion. The promise of a proposed shiny Shangri-la in which we’ll own nothing and be happy is drifting further into the realms of fantasy land as the cold, harsh reality of misery and suffering prevail. There are those who have had enough. They are not going to take it anymore.
Back in the days of World War II, the vast majority of the German public balked in disgust when a request for donations went out from the tyrants, as they begged for assistance in providing the Wehrmacht with clothing and food. With many having sons, husbands and brothers on the frontline, they were appalled on learning that their Cult of Personality figure could not even manage to supply the Army with the basic essentials. Later still, when it was known that those same sons, husbands and brothers were been slaughtered in their droves in Stalingrad, the faith of the people rapidly deteriorated and they began to view Hitler and his disciples for what they truly were. A brave few took action in an attempt to change the course of history.
One of the most notable groups to speak out against the murderous, Wall Street-funded Nazis was known as The White Rose. They were a group of students based out of Munich who loved their nation and people enough to band together and oppose the inhumanity they witnessed. Led by a professor, Kurt Huber, they initiated a resistance, lambasting the Nazis and criticizing their treatment of the soldiers at war and the shameful neglect.
“The nation is deeply shaken by the destruction of the men of Stalingrad. The genial strategy of the World War corporal has senselessly and irresponsibly driven three hundred and thirty thousand German men to death and ruin.”
What is most noteworthy is the defiance. What is admirable mainly is the fact that these people; not soldiers or warriors, not guerillas or gladiators - just a professor and a group of young students, were well aware of the risk involved in speaking out and knew perfectly well of the consequences of their actions. Having witnessed at that time what would happen to those who opposed the tyranny, they bravely spoke out anyway. They didn’t worry about the repercussions. They weren’t fearful. They recognised that the only way to authentic individual freedom was through truth. They knew, deep down, that the only way to crush a bully was to stand up to them. They were willing to do that, regardless if it was to cost them their heads - which ultimately it did.
Each member of the White Rose movement was determined to awaken the remainder of the population. They wanted to zap them out of their hypnotised, State-media influenced frame of mind. They wanted to alert them to the impending destruction before it was too late. They did this for as long as they could, under the radar, away from the eyes of the agents of the regime, timing things perfectly as their fellow citizens privately grew disillusioned with the authoritarian establishment in the aftermath of Stalingrad; secretly holding negative feelings towards the Fascists - but too frightened to do anything about it.
This movement lasted for a time until the Gestapo were informed of their efforts, by none other than a porter at their university in Munich. This is something in itself to consider when today we have police chiefs in England boasting that the majority of their work is done for them by the British public, with 400 phone calls been made per week, in one area alone, to the Old Bill by individuals reporting their neighbours for breaches of the Coronavirus protocols. I wonder how many of those who snitched on their fellow man this week realised that they were partaking in an exercise that was rampant during the Nazi era?
In fact, at one point, back in the late 1930s, the Gestapo had to issue a statement to the public advising them that they were overwhelmed with denunciations and asked them to refrain from snitching temporarily, while they worked their current load. Even Hitler himself was taken aback when he learned that the German people were rabidly squealing on each other. He stated:
“We are living at present in a sea of denunciations and human meanness.”
He was right and we are still living in that same sea today.
Ultimately, as was to be expected, the White Rose movement was crushed. The participants were put in front of a ‘People’s Court’, sentenced to death and, in typically brutal Nazi fashion, guillotined. As George Orwell wrote, only seven years after these executions, ‘speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.’ Professor Huber and his students found this out first hand.
But where today do we find these truth-tellers; those willing to give up everything in an act of revolt? I do ask myself this question often. Particularly when I go for my daily stroll and watch people pull their face nappies up over their noses as they jump six foot to the right, avoiding human contact at all costs. I do sometimes think about those valiant youngsters in Munich as I watch grown men behave like timid sheep, shuffling along the street, mouths hidden behind a double mask and protective shield visors. They often cross my mind when I see supposed-fathers walk along the side of the road with young children who are subjected to the in-fashion muzzled look, depleted of the fresh air their tiny lungs cry out for. I often think of Professor Huber and his nonconformists as I listen to the chit-chat of those around me, clapping their hands with glee at the thought their government may ‘allow them’ to go back to normal life soon and, God-willing, permit them to go on a vacation, or even visit a movie theatre or concert.
Today the likelihood of being guillotined for speaking out and refusing to acquiesce is very, very slim. You won’t, unless you’re the leader of an African country who rejects vaccines, be murdered for not complying. This is not yet quite Nazi Germany - although it’s close. So why aren’t more people kicking up a fuss, disobeying, refusing to comply? Why are people simply bowing down to the will of authority? If a group of students could challenge one of the darkest regimes in history, why are those among us today so meek?
Granted there are some brave souls who care enough about the future of their children and their grandchildren to move to action. There are the peaceful protestors in Holland for example who present themselves on the streets to voice their discontent at the Klaus Schwab/Bill Gates-driven policy their government enforces, while a savage and beastly police force; vile, vicious, vacuum headed thugs, threaten their physical well-being. There are the church leaders, such as James Coates and PJ Hughes, who defy authority at the risk of languishing in a government internment centre for the right to practice their religion. There are the entrepreneurs, like Tony Roman, owner of Basilico’s restaurant in California and Keith McAlarney and Danny Presti of Mac’s Public House in Staten Island, New York City, who have remained open, refusing to abide by arbitrary diktats, despite the scourge of the political criminal cartels and their henchmen. There have even been spirited doctors, such as Gerard Waters who refuses, point blank, to inject any human being with the poison of GAVI; defiant in the face of major pressure, despite the risk of ruination to his career and livelihood.
There are indeed those who push back against the Fascism today, but so far they are the few. Why is it then, that the remainder are falling over themselves to abide by the rules? Why are the vast majority tacitly accepting tyranny? Why are many even welcoming it; begging for more?
When I ask myself this, it makes me think of what happened in the weeks and months after the Battle of Stalingrad.
Nazi Propaganda Minister, Josef Goebbels, stood in front of a gathering of 14,000 Germans at Berlin’s Sportpalast in February 1943. He declared;
“The English claim that the German people have lost their trust in the Fuhrer”
His audience rose and shot down the allegation. They screamed back:
“Fuhrer command, we will obey!”
Goebbels enquired:
“Is your trust in the Fuhrer greater, more faithful, and more unshakeable than ever? Is your readiness to follow him in all ways and to do everything necessary to bring war to a triumphant end absolute and unrestricted?”
A frenzy of affirmations roared back at him. Like an orchestra, the establishment disciples hysterically trumpeted their unwavering loyalty to the Fuhrer. Clapping, thunderous ovation, wild cheering and wailing, their assertions erupted throughout the arena. The people united, standing in solidarity with tyranny, injustice and murder. Their blind love of authoritarianism was powerful. Their commitment to being ruled over was unfaltering. Living with the boot of government on their face, clutching their chains, they didn’t want it any other way. Their love of obedience and control was steadfast. The potent feeling of being dominated by the establishment was addictive. They were ecstatic - their common destiny in the New Order set in stone. They would not be denied their New Normal.
In today’s takeover, and amid the multiple violations of human dignity and basic rights, every man and woman alive has to choose which side of the fence they will sit on. Within themselves, they have to decide if they are going to live day to day walking in the footsteps of the rebellious White Rose movement or joining in on the chorus of compliance of the Berlin Sportpalast fanatics. Every day we live through this COVID technocracy, we must decide if we will invoke the spirit of the White Rose dissidents, or if we will pander to the COVID czars, akin to Goebbels’ audience in 1943. There is no in-between. We can be remembered eternally in history as whatever we wish. It is our choice. In Munich, Professor Hubur and his students knew that they were facing huge opposition and that they would pay with their lives. In Berlin, the Hitlerites knew that they were supporting a dictatorship, one that opposed individual autonomy and liberty and one that would result in carnage.
Today, the information is very clear for anyone who goes out and seeks it. There can be no excuses. History will record your selection and you can be remembered as a fiery, hard-headed, freedom-loving soul who would not accept injustice, or a clapping seal, conforming to the every whim of political parasites and their criminal billionaire donors.
Take your pick. Your children, and their children, will make sure you always remember it.
Gary Jordan
Author - The COVID-19 Illusion; A Cacophony of Lies TAGS: Covid / Tyranny |